Presentation templates/ formats and


Open for the registration and abstract submission

Extended deadline for submission of abstracts:

May 15 30, 2022 (JST)

PRSCO _Paper_template2022.docx

Download Special Session proposal guideline here


Frequently Asked Questions


Basic Principle.

- Both PRESENTER and ATTENDEE can present papers at the conference, whether they are RSAI members or co-authored papers composed with a non-RSAI member.

- The PRESENTER is the corresponding author who will present a paper at the conference, and the PRESENTER must be registered.

- All co-authors of papers to be presented at the conference must be registered as ATTENDEE.

- Discussants and non-presenting audience members may also participate as ATTENDEEs.

About registration:.

The presenter of a paper to be presented at the conference must register for the presentation and pay the registration fee as the corresponding author. At the same time, co-authors need to register as an ATTENDEE and pay the registration fee.

Q How do new registrant register to attend the conference?

A: Please visit via the PRSCO 2022 ( and click “Register new”, create your account.

Q What happens if the actual presenter changes on the day of the presentation?

A: The presenter will be replaced by a new presenter.

Even if the presenter is replaced by a co-author for some reason on the day of the presentation, the presentation can still be made without any problems as long as the registration fee is adjusted between the authors. Therefore, the Organizer cannot adjust the registration fee between the presenter and the co-author. If a young researcher who has not yet obtained his/her Ph.D. is scheduled to make a presentation in one of the Early Bird Sessions and has submitted an entry as a candidate for the Young Scientist Paper Award, but is unable to make the presentation due to fever on the day of the session, and his/her co-author full professor makes a presentation on his/her behalf, the young researcher will be excluded from the candidates for the Young Scientist Paper Award. However, the presentation itself is still valid.

Q Is it necessary for all co-authors to register? A: Yes.

For example, the corresponding author of a conference paper written by three authors will be registered as the PRESENTER. He/she will also submit a paper abstract to Conftool as the responsible author. Each of the other two co-authors must register and pay as ATTENDEE. The other two co-authors do not need to submit an abstract or full paper.

Q What are the types of participation fees?

A: The participation fee is different following categories:

However, the following payment attributes are different:

One axis is PRESENTER or ATTENDEE, see above FAQ.

Notice: PRESENTER registrants may participate as a co-author, discussant roles, or ATTENDEE on other papers. If you have a presentation in the PRSCO2022, you should register as PRESENTER.

Another axis is RSAI member attribute for registrants who have a valid membership status in a local section of RSAI. Another is Non-RSAI member attribute for enrollees who have lost this year's valid membership status due to non-payment or who do not have a valid membership status in the local section of RSAI.

Thus there are four quadrants (types) for registrants:



A portion of the difference between PRESENTER and ATTENDEE of Non-RSAI member will be paid to the RSAI and PRSCO. Members with active Local Section membership status had their partial fee paid to the RSAI headquater in a lump sum from the annual membership fees already paid to the Local Section. Please check with your local section office to check if you have a dues-paying member status.

If you are not on the RSAI membership database, you will be treated as a Non-RSAI member presenter or participant RSAI is made up of several super-regions (PRSCO is one of them). A super-region consists of several local (domestic) regions.

Local (domestic) region members who have paid their dues and have valid memberships comprise the RSAI through their super-region. This means that Local (Domestic) Region members are Regional Scientists of RSAI.

In other words, if you are a member of a local section of PRSCO, have paid your dues, and are a member, you are a member of RSAI via a local sectionn to RSAI.

The PRSCO is a federation of the following affiliated sections/associations of the Regional Science Association International in the Pacific Rim Area.

See membership sections of the PRSCO:

Types of registration fees by June 30 are as follows:


RSAI‐members: USD 100 / Student/Special country : USD 70

Non‐RSAI‐members: USD 150 / Student/Special country : USD 120


RSAI‐members: USD 50 / Student/Special country USD 35

Non‐RSAI‐members: USD 75 / Student/Special country USD 60

The Special fee is applicable for:

As of August 1, 2022, upper "Student" is a "student" with an official identification card from an accredited university, junior college or other institution of higher education that can award bachelor, master, doctoral or equivalent degrees classified in UNESCO's International Standard Classification of Education (SCED) levels 6, 7 or 8. The PRSCO 2022 Organizing Committee may request a copy of your student ID. Some seniors/elderly persons are eligible, but only those who have not reached the age of 35 years as of August 1, 2022 and who have not yet earned any doctoral degree of any kind.

“Special country” means participants from lower income countries (with annual GDP per capita lower than 20,000 USD) according to the latest World Bank Figures.(

Example 1:

For participants residing in Japan: 2022 members of JSRSAI who had already paid their annual membership fee have the membership status of RSAI member, so they should pay the regular PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee of RSAI member.

2022 student members of JSRSAI who had already paid the annual membership fee have the membership attribute of RSAI, so please pay the low income countries and student PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee of RSAI member.

If registrant are not a full member or student member of JSRSAI, please pay the regular PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee of Non-RSAI categories.

If registrant's local section of RSAI is a developing country other than a RSAI of a developed country living in Japan due to sabbatical leave or short stay in Japan, please pay the PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee for the developing country and student PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee for the category of RSAI member.

Example 2:

In case of a registrant is a resident of Indonesia, please pay the RSAI member's low income country and student PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee if you are a full member and student member of IRSA who has already paid the annual membership fee.

If you are a non-member of IRSA, please pay RSAI member's PRESENTER/ATTENDEE fee for developing countries and students.

Q How do I add more contribution to a Special session/ Presenter / Attendee?

A: Logging in PRSCO 2022 and proceed following steps:

Logging in PRSCO 2022 (, you can see it on the overview.

When you've already register as "PRESENTE" and if you want to add more contribution to;

a) If you propose your new additional "Special session": Firstly, send us your SS proposal to our email.

b) Another "Presenter": click “Your Submissions“

When you've already register as "ATTENDEE" and if you want to add new contribution to;

c) If you propose your new additional "Special session": Firstly, send us your SS proposal to our email. And SS proposer (coordinator or convenor) should be changed from your "ATTENDEE" category to "PRESENTER". Please ask your request to PRSCO2022 email.

d) If you propose your new additional "Presenter": Your account should be changed from your "ATTENDEE" category to "PRESENTER". Please ask your request to PRSCO2022 email. After confirming your category changed to "PRESENTER", please start “Your Submissions“.

Q What is the paper submission process and format?

A: The following format is required:

The corresponding author submits the abstract to Conftool. The full paper must be submitted by the corresponding author who has submitted the PRESENTER registration by the due date as a PDF file following the format of 6 pages to 8 peges. Full paper format is the same as APJRS, except that the maximum page limit is 8 pages. Full paper format is the same as APJRS, but the difference is that the page limit is 8 pages maximum. Please include references in the full paper of 8 pages maximum.

Q How do I confirm my registration for the Special session (SS)? A: SS proposals are application by e-mail.

The SS proposer (coordinator or convenor) will first register in ConfTool as PRESENTER, and the SS proposal will be registered by email. The SS proposer will manage the registration and registration fees for all presenters (and co-authors), discussants, chairpersons, panelists, and all other conference participants.

If these registrants have not paid their registration fees by the day of their presentation, they may be removed from the list of authors if they are individual co-authors, and their online IDs may become invalid. If SS proposer wishes to pay by one’s credit card, please contact email to the Organizer.

Q What are NTA and EBS?

NTS: Nurturing new Talent Session (NTS)

NTS aims for nurturing/ fostering next generation of potential regional scientists which have an opportunity to Ph.D. students' presentation, scientific consultations and application to RSAI journals.

EBS: Early Bird Session

Young "Regional Scientists" who has doctoral degree can apply for the Early Bird Session. This session provides many presentation machines for new researchers within 5 years of getting one's Doctoral/Ph.D. degree and is a candidate for the Young scientist best paper presentation award.

However, only registered presenters who are 35 years old or younger as of December 31, 2022, and who have actually presented a paper will be considered for the award. Joint authors of papers are not eligible.