
(Ver. 30 July)

Scheduling policy:

After much deliberation on the part of the organizers, it was decided to consider a online conference by Zoom that accommodated the time difference, since any type of online meeting will basically be held in the daytime Japan time, which is the time difference between Japan and other Pacific Rim countries.

As shown in the Table, there will be an online session in the US time zone from 6:00 am to 9:00 am Japan time, an online session in the common time zone from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Japan time (keynote and presentation sessions), and an online session in the Asian time zone from 1:00 pm to around 4:00 pm Japan time The event will be held at the following location.

The Organizing Committee apologizes for the inconvenience of the 7-hour time difference for some participants in Europe, as the sessions will be held mainly in the Pacific Rim region based on Japan time at the host location.

Keynote speaches:

For information on the keynote speeches, please download the information below.

Monday, 1. Aug. 9:15-10:00

Keynote 1 Prof. Emeritus, Yoshio Kawamura PhD, Ryukoku University

Download: Abstract

, 2. Aug. 9:15-10:00

Keynote 2 Dr. Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, University of Hassannudyn

Download: Social Dimensions to Accelerate Development in Eastern Regions of Indonesia

Wednesday, 3. Aug. 9:15-10:00

Keynote 3 Rector, Prof. Dr. Sachihiko Harashina, Chiba University of Commerce
Download: Keynote outline and speaker's CV

Download: First 100% renewable energy university in Japan

Download: The Renewable Energy University League of Japan

Thursday, 4. Aug. 9:15-10:00
Keynote 4 Mr. Kazushige Endo, Director of United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)

Download: Keynote outline and speaker's CV

27th Pacific Conference of the RSAI 2022 in Kyoto

PRSCO Online Conference 2022 Kyoto (origin)

Toward knowledge society in historical city with Regional Science

Download the finalrevised Programme


All sessions are subject to change without prior notice depending on the number of entries. Please understand that you may not be assigned a slot on your preferred date and time.