PRSCO 2022

August 1- 4, 2022, Online Kyoto origin

Important notice (2022/09/12)

The payment process for the registration of this conference is managed through Stripe. On the other hand, the Stripe account of this conference is managed by “AT THE SKY inc.” to which the organizing committee consigned the payment management. Therefore, your credit card transcript shows “AT THE SKY” which means the registration payment for PRSCO2022.

本大会のクレジットカード決済はStripe社のシステムを用いておりますが、そのアカウント設定・管理はアット・ザ・スカイ社に委託をしております。そのためクレジットカードの明細には、大会参加費として「AT THE SKY」と表示されます。

Final Announcement (July 31, 2022) rev. July 31 2022

The programme of the conference has been updated.
Scroll down to see the programme.

Note: All presenters and co-authors should register through ConfTool (Click here).
No presentation can be made without registration and payment of the registration fee.

Organized by

Ryukoku University, Kyoto & Shiga, Japan

Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Shiga & Osaka, Japan

Japan Section of Regional Science Association

Cooperated by
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Aichi, Japan
Kochi Univerity, Kochi, Japan
Meitetsu World Travel. inc.

Toward knowledge society in historical city with Regional Science

1. Welcome message from Organizer

Welcome to 27th The Pacific Conference of the RSAI in Kyoto ( PRSCO online conference 2022 Kyoto origin).

PRSCO Conference 2021 was postponed for one year due to the global pandemic of the Covid-19, and we have prepared to hold a hybrid event with face-to-face meetings as PRSCO Conference 2022 until March 2022. However, unfortunately, as of April, it is still not endemic, so we will finally hold it online as PRSCO Online Conference 2022 Kyoto origin, based in Kyoto, Japan.

Kyoto, a World Cultural Heritage site, is a historical city with a population of approximately 1.5 million that has been inherited for over 1,200 years. It is also a "Science R&D city" with 38 universities and junior colleges, and a "Student city" in which the university students occupy 10% of the population. Moreover, for the first time in Japan, these universities collaborate together to share a common course and credit transfer partnership.

It was the ability to keep scientific simulations running behind the scenes of the Conference of the Parties that brought the "Kyoto Protocol" in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change for a Sustainable World together. In particular, it has produced the largest number of Nobel Prize winners from universities and companies in the field of natural sciences, and is richly endowed with abundant intellectual and human resources.

On the other hand, the city's main industries are not tourism, such as world heritage tourism, historical tourism, or Michelin-starred gastronomy, but a fusion of traditional industrial skills and cutting-edge technology, which continues to produce world-leading software and hardware and the "Kyoto brand" i.e. Nintendo, Kyocera, Omron, Shimadzu, Murata Manufacturing and Nidec and GS YUASA which boasts a large number of world-class Kyoto companies continue to promote joint research through industry-academia-government collaboration, and new innovations continue to emerge.

While economics primarily uses abstract distance and network concepts, Regional Science owes its advanced nature to its characteristic of explicitly treating these real-space distances and locations.

"Social Common Capital" proposed by economist Hirofumi Uzawa (1928-2014) is a concept that aims to create a society that preserves the human dignity of each individual, maintains the independence of the soul, and secures civil liberties, and that encourages all people to live in harmony with their fellow human beings. It refers to the natural environment and social institutions that enable people to lead an economic life, develop an excellent culture, and maintain a stable, humanly attractive society. “Social Common Capital" is a concept that refers to the common assets of society.

The pandemic Covid-19 in recent years is creating a butterfly effect of widening gaps in the digital transformation that cannot be stopped as the limits of globalization, the collapse of supply chains, the widening of many gaps and the limits of capitalism, the widening and fragmentation of disparities, and the expansion of early differences in cyber era, in data economy era, emotions are becoming a major driving force in the economy, not only in the data economy of cloud data monopolies and the rise of information banks, but also in the shared economy and the gig economy, because of their economic value.

The city of Turin, Italy's version of Fiat's Rust Belt, has achieved urban revitalization through cultural and creative industries, and has become a prototype for UNESCO's Creative Cities Network. In Kyoto City, the wisdom and technology of traditional industries have remained intact for more than 1,200 years, and they continue to produce the seeds of innovation for a new era.

Fine art and historical documents that have been unearthed from historical properties, which were previously thought to be useless, are also useful for the birth of new industries, policy formation, and the inheritance of regional identity. The formation of a Gamified Society is emerging that will enable the stable maintenance of a humanly attractive society and the restoration of social equity.

This 27th The Pacific Conference of the RSAI in Kyoto[ PRSCO Online Conference 2022 Kyoto (origin) ] attempts to incorporate these concepts of time and space in economics, as well as text and culture and the emotions behind them.

For this reason, the conference theme of PRSCO Online Conference 2022 Kyoto sets "Toward knowledge society in historical city with Regional Science". The organizer would like to invite you to join us enjoying for keynote speeches and lively scientific dialogue related to this theme.

The Organizing Committee of the 27th PRSCO Online Conference 2022 Kyoto origin:


Role(s) and duties

Professor Hidehiko Kanegae Ph.D. Ritsumeikan University*#

OC chair & SC chair

Professor emeritus Yoshio Kawamura Ph.D. Ryukoku University**#


Professor Kasumi Susaki Ph.D., Ryukoku University#

OC & LOC chair

Professor Keiji Yano Ph.D. Ritsumeikan University#

OC, SC and SCJ

Professor Kenichi Ishibashi Ph.D., Aichi Gakuin University*#

OC, CC chair

Professor Li Fuping Ph.D., Ryukoku University#

OC & LOC vice chair

Professor Soushi Suzuki Ph.D. Hokkai-Gakuen University*#

OC & PRSCO secretary

Associate Professor Yusuke Toyoda Ph.D., Ritsumeikan University#

OC & SC vice chair

OC: Organizing Committee SC: Scientific Committee LOC: Local Organizing Committee

CC: Cyber Committee SCJ: Member of the Japanese Academy: the Science Council of Japan

#: RSAI member *: Board of JSRSAI **: Ex-board of JSRSAI

2. The Topics

Topics of interest in this conference include (but are not limited to):

1. Regional Science

2. Spatial Economics

3. Econometrics, Input Output Table and CGE

4. Economic Geography

5. Transportation Economics and Tourism

6. Migration and Demographic Analysis

7. Regional and Urban Phenomena

8. Regional Development/ Creative Cities

9. Location of Economic Activities and Revitalization

10. Real Estate/ Housing

11. Regional and Urban Planning

12. Environmental Quality

13. Disaster Mitigation/ Risk Reduction

14. Resilience/ Recovery of Economic Damage

15. Local Public Finance

16. Cultural Heritages/ Assets and Conservation for Historic Cities

17. Knowledge Industry and Cultural Industry

18. Digital Transformation, 4th Industrial Revolution and Society 5.0

19. Nudge and Behavioral Economics

3. Registration Fee (After abstract peer-reviews)

- Presenter:

RSAI‐members: USD 100 / Student/Special country USD 70

Non‐RSAI‐members: USD 150 / Student/Special country USD 120

- Attendee:

RSAI‐members: USD 50 / Student/Special country USD 35

Non‐RSAI‐members: USD 75 / Student/Special country USD 60

(All presenters and Special session Conveners with an accepted session in the program)

* RSAI member fee is applicable to members of the other RSAI Super-regional Organization


** The Special fee is applicable for:

• students who have not reached the age of 35 years on August 1st 2022.

• participants from lower income countries (with annual GDP per capita lower than 20,000 USD) according to the latest World Bank Figures.

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions apply to all Participants (Presenters and Attendees) of the PRSCO online conference 2022 Kyoto, and be must be accepted on registration.

PRSCO 2022 Kyoto organizing committee reserves the right to make amendments to the programme or any related activity at its discretion.

Congress Registration and Participation in the program.

The registration fees are applicable to all participants, except invited keynote speakers and organizers’ guests.

Presenting authors must register as soon as possible to have their paper(s) scheduled in the program.

The RSAI member fee is only applicable for members of one of the other RSAI Super Regional Organizations (ERSA, NARSC, PRSCO, LARCSA).

Please note: Membership status will be checked and if your membership is not paid, you will be charged the balance between member and non-member fee and your paper will not be accepted until the full fees are paid. For further details about membership, please contact a regional representative.

The Special fee is applicable for

- Students who have not reached the age of 35 years on August 1st 2022

- Participants from lower income countries (with annual GDP per capita lower than 20,000 USD) according to the latest World Bank Figures.

Registration is only assured upon receipt of registration fees. Registered participants whose payment is not complete will not have access to the Web online Conference. Payments are to be made in USD. Payment Liability of fees arises at the time of registration. Where payment is not received prior to the start of the event, the registration will be cancelled notwithstanding the fact that the liability of full payment still exists.

Methods of Payment:

Payment can be made by credit card and PayPal via ConfTool.

As soon as your online registration (mandatory) is received and after verification that the due fee has been paid, a receipt from PRSCO will be sent to participants to confirm payment. Please note: If your organization requires its VAT number to be present on the receipt, this conference will be held internationally in the cyber space and Government of Japan didn't provide VAT numbers.

In case of late payment, please send a proof of payment by e-mail to the PRSCO. In case of questions concerning registration, please contact PRSCO of which email address is in preparation and announced to you soon.

Cancellation Policy

The fees will not be refundable.

Conference Proceedings

PRSCO Conference 2022 Kyoto Proceedings will be published binding all of authors' papers as original photo ready PDFs according to the conference format and will be delivered through online.

Peer-reviewed Post Proceedings of PRSCO 2022 Kyoto will be published by "The Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science" which any presenter(s) will apply for after PRSCO 2022 Kyoto.

4. Detailed Agenda

Scheduling policy is as follows:

The organizer considers for any types of online and have it during the daytime JST basically as host place, there will be a time difference to adjust to the Pacific Rim countries, so the organizer considers a hybrid meeting in Zoom that takes the time difference into account.

The organizer takes into account the North American head time to match the Pacific Rim time. In this case, see Table, there will be an online session in the Americas time zone from 6:00 am to 9:00 am Japan Standard Time (JST), a common time zone session (symposium, mixed hybrid, or online only) from 9:00 am to 12:00 am JST, and an online session in the Asia time zone from around 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm JST. Asia time zone online sessions. Since the main focus is on the Pacific Rim, we believe that the 7-hour time difference for Europe (EU and UK) can be covered by the presentations and audience in the latter half of the Asia time zone online session from around 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Program-As of 04072022.pdf

5. Important Dates

Extended [Previous deadline for submission of abstracts was on May 5, 2022 (JST)]

--> Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 31 , 2022 (JST) via ConfTool registration -->here

Entry with title, author abstract in 200-250 words!

Deadline for full papers: Jun. 30, 2022 (JST)

Online Conference Date: Aug. 1-4, 2022

6. Sequence of registrations in the ConfTool:

Types for contributing submission (applications):

Regular Regional Science presentation Session; Early Bird Session (EBS) is a special presentation slot only for young researchers within 5 years of receiving their PhD. Please note that the presenters of this EBS who are 35 years old or younger by December 31, 2022 will be nominated for the Best Paper Award.; Nurturing young Talent short presentation Sessions (NTS) are targeted for PhD students. All presenters and co-authors should register, submit abstracts and full papers through ConfTool. All sessions are strictly limited 45minuets (Test sharing screen, Starting sharing presenter's presentation screen, sharing handouts and chair person's introduction in 5 minuets; Presentation basically 20 minuets, after chair's remind a few minuets for closing; & discussion 10 minuets and after chair's remind a few minuets for closing) for one presentation including discussions and Q&A, totally 180min (3 hrs), except NTS. NTS has each 10min presentation and comments for 5min less than 3 hours.

Special Sessions are basically proposed thematic sessions with 4 selected presenters and discussants together as same as regular session. Workshops, Round-table-discussions and other special events are proposed by each convenor by email. Each presenter, co-authors, discussants, panelists and participants should register, ( and submit abstract and full paper) through ConfTool.

For all presenters and attendees:

1) registration (email notification) -->

2) choice of contribution [PRESENTER as corresponding author or ATTENDEE (co-author, discussant or just participant) (email notification)] -->

3) abstract submission via ConfTool (email notification) --> (peer reviews) -->

4) abstract acceptance notification (re-submission also possible) (Check in the conftool status by the presenter as corresponding author) -->

5) paper submission (email notification) --> Receipt will be issued after confirming checking members and non-members including all co-authors payments -->downloading receipt is available for each registrant.

6) other options

NTS: Nurturing new Talent Session (NTS): NTS aims for nurturing/ fostering next generation of potential regional scientists which have an opportunity to Ph.D. students' presentation, scientific consultations and application to RSAI journals.

EBS: Early Bird Session: Young "Regional Scientists" who have doctoral degree can apply for the Early Bird Session. This session provides many presentation machines for new researchers within 5 years of getting one's Doctoral/Ph.D. degree and is a candidate for the Young scientist best paper presentation award. However, only registered presenters who are 35 years old or younger as of December 31, 2022, and who have actually presented a paper will be considered for the award. Joint authors of papers are not eligible.

For special session proposal

a) SS Coordinator registers ConfTool (email notification) -->

b) Download Special Session proposal guideline and SS proposal outline submission email to

--> (peer reviews) -->

c) acceptance notification (re-submission also possible) -->

d) all presenters and co-authors, discussant and/or others start for their registration and submission abstracts and papers according to 1) to 5).


Abstract and full paper submission:


Download presentation entry abstract template [format/ MS-Word]

Please check and following abstract template and submit your abstract by the deadline above. And once your abstract is accepted, please follow the full paper template and submit it by the deadline above.

PRSCO _Paper_template2022.docx

Download full paper template [from 6 to 8(max) pages format/ MS-Word]

6. Paper publication plan

- Conference Proceedings:

The abstract will be peer-reviewed and allocating proper session slot by the Scientific Committee. Please note that there may be cases in which your preferred session does not coincide with the session you wish to present. The conference paper submitted by the author will be online published after binding all papers as they are.

- Post Conference Proceedings:

All PRSCO conference 2022 papers are welcome for priority submission to the Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science (APJRS) as a post conference selected paper. APJRS (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yoshiro Higano) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Springer Nature.

Reference URL:

Organized by

Ryukoku University, Kyoto & Shiga, Japan

Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Shiga & Osaka, Japan

Japan Section of Regional Science Association

Cooperated by
Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Aichi, Japan
Kochi Univerity, Kochi, Japan
Meitetsu World Travel. inc.