
Current Teaching Courses: 

FALL 2022 :

MATH 251 - Discrete Mathematics

MATH 302  -  Abstract Algebra

Courses which I taught

Spring 2022:

MATH 273 - Linear Algebra with Applications 

MATH 361 -  Real Analysis I 

FALL 2021 

MATH 251 - Discrete Mathematics 

Spring 2021 :

MATH 407- Introduction to Graph theory.

MATH 302  -  Abstract Algebra

FALL 2020 :

Math 273: Linear Algebra and its applications.  MWF 12:00-12:50.

MATH 251 - - Discrete Mathematics, T/TR 15:00-16:15.

MATH 701, Real Analysis.

Spring 2020 :

MATH 162  Calculus II.

MATH 407 Introduction to Graph theory.

MATH 791  - Topics in Mathematics. 

FALL 2019 :

Math 273: Linear Algebra and its applications.  MWF 12:00-12:50.

MATH 251 - - Discrete Mathematics, T/TR 15:00-16:15.

Spring 2019 :

Math 273: Linear Algebra and its applications.  

MATH 407 Introduction to Graph theory

Fall 2018 :

MATH 361 - - Real Analysis I.

MATH 251 - - Discrete Mathematics.

Spring 2018 :

MATH 162 Calculus II

MATH 407 Introduction to Graph theory

Fall 2017: 

Math 273 Linear Algebra 

Math 251 Discrete Mathematics 

Spring 2017: 

Math 273 Linear Algebra 

MATH 407 Introduction to Graph theory

Fall 2016

MATH 162 Calculus II (Lecture and Recitation)

 MATH 402 Abstract Algebra.

Spring 2016

MATH 162 Calculus I

MATH 407 Introduction to Graph theory

Fall 2015

MATH 162 Calculus I

MATH 402 Abstract Algebra.

Spring 2015

MATH 162 Calculus II

MATH 404 Topics in Algebra.

Fall 2014

MATH 470 Matrix Analysis.

Math 273 Linear Algebra 

Courses Which I taught at NTU(Singapore) and NU(Kazakhstan):

1. The academic Year 2013/2014 Semester 1 at NTU, Singapore.

(a) SM2-MH1100 (SM2 Calculus I)

2. The academic year 2013/2014 Semester 2 at NTU, Singapore.

(a) MH1810 Mathematics