The  14th International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness 

                                                      Astana, Kazakhstan.

23 - 25 June 2019.


Computability, Complexity and Randomness is a series of conferences devoted generally to the mathematics of computation and complexity, but tends to primarily focus on algorithmic randomness/algorithmic information theory and its impact on mathematics. Algorithmic randomness is the part of mathematics devoted to ascribing meaning to the randomness of individual strings and infinite sequences. For example, we give mathematical meaning to the intuition that one would more readily believe that the string 01101101001101011 was produced via the flips of a fair coin than one would of the string 00000000000000000. The core idea is that a sequence is algorithmically random if it passes all computational randomness tests, and hence if a computational observer cannot distinguish its behaviour in some process from the expected behaviour.

There are several historical approaches to algorithmic randomness, such as computable martingales, Kolmogorov complexity and Martin-Loef of randomness. Algorithmic randomness is also related to classical concepts, such as entropy (in the senses of Shannon and Boltzmann). The mathematics of this area is really quite deep. The kinds of questions include: How do we calibrate levels of randomness? Can we amplify weak random sources? Is randomness a provable computational resource? What kinds of power do random sources give us? And so on. Tools from this area can be used in many areas of mathematics and computer science, including the expected behaviour of algorithms, computational biology, ergodic theory, geometric measure theory, number theory and normality. The theme of the conference is algorithmic randomness and related topics in computability, complexity and logic, such as Kolmogorov complexity, computational complexity and reverse mathematics.


The conference will be co-located with The Sixteenth Asian Logic Conference

Conference Series

The conference, previously known as conference on Logic, Computability and Randomness, will be in the tradition of the previous meetings in

Invited Speakers

Program of the conference

Important Dates

Submission deadline(Extended):

14 May 2019,

Notification of authors:

18 May 2019,


23 - 25 June 2019.

Abstracts (Click to expand)

Nan Fang. Betting with preference on outcomes.

Elvira Mayordomo. The return trip to classical fractal theory from effective fractal dimension.

Steffen Lempp. On the order dimension of locally countable partial orderings.

Gohua Wu. Lachlan Sets and Degrees.

Luca San Mauro. Computable reducibility and its variants.

Svetlana Selivanova. Exact real computation and complexity of PDEs.

Margarita Marchuk. Index sets of decidably categorical and computably categorical structures.

Tim McNicholl. Effective metric structure theory.

Andrei Alpeev. Entropy and Kolmogorov complexity for amenable-group actions.

Wolfgang Merkle. Logical Depth of Infinite Binary Strings: an Overview.

Bruno Bauwens. Enumerable semimeasure, randomness, and dependence: explaining Leonid Levin's paper.

Sergey Goncharov, Sergey Ospichev, Dmitry Sviridenko and Denis Ponomaryov. Logical Language of Polynomial Computability.

Rod Downey. A Hierarchy of Degrees.

Alexander Shen. Kolmogorov complexity and logic.


The conference will be hosted by the Departament of Mathematics, at Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan.


Authors are invited to submit an abstract in PDF format of typically about 1 or 2 pages via the following web page:

No full papers will be required for this conference. After the deadline for submissions has expired, submissions may still be accepted for reviewing at the discretion of the PC chairs.


If you are planning to attend the conference, please fill out the following registration form as soon as possible.

Conference Registration


No proceedings will be published before the conference. A booklet with abstracts will be made available at the conference.

Programme Committee

Local Organizing Committee


For questions, in particular about scientific aspects of the meeting, please contact the chairs of the programme committee.

Inquiries about organizational matters such as registration or accommodation are best addressed to the local organizing committee.

CCR Steering Committee

Verónica Becher (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Laurent Bienvenu (Montpellier, France), Rod Downey, chair (Wellington, New Zealand), Denis Hirschfeldt (Chicago, United States), Elvira Mayordomo (Zaragoza, Spain), Wolfgang Merkle (Heidelberg, Germany), Nikolai K. Vereshchagin (Moscow, Russia), Liang Yu (Nanjing, China).


Funding opportunities for student members of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) are available. Applications should be directed to the Association for Symbolic Logic three months prior to the meeting, following these instructions.

Copyright Notice

The layout of the webpage has been adapted from the style of the CCA conference series and is used by courtesy of Vasco Brattka.