Imaging Innovations Laboratory

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Ph.D. fellowships, summer undergrad and postdoctoral positions are available. Click on the 'Jobs' link above for details.

Recent Awards and News

Yuan and Das's Optica paper makes it to UH News, Optica cover page and Optica News: Read our work on novel phase contrast imaging: Researchers unveil groundbreaking X-ray Imaging.

Das elected as the 2026 vice chair (2028 chair) of the Gordon conference on Image Science. See 2024 Image Science GRC here:

Das selected as one of the 58 new SPIE Fellows (2022). Click to read news here. 

Das named Scialog Fellow for Advancing Bioimaging by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA),co-sponsored by the Chan-Zuckerberg and the Cottrell Foundations. Read news here.

Read our group's latest papers in JOSA, Nature Scientific Reports, IEEE TMI, PMB and Sensors. Clink on Research/

Publications tab above for more.

Das awarded an NIH R01 grant to advance spectral phase contrast computed tomography. Read news here

 Our work highlighted in a UHMoment video

 We are recruiting postdocs and scientists (See link above for jobs). 

Das group work is highlighted in a Feature article in Nature Review. Read "X-Ray Images in Full Color". Download a Free Read.

Das selected as the ADVANCE Fellow by the UH Provost's office. 2019 

Das wins the 2018 Univ. of Houston Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship.

Kavuri wins SPIE Best student paper award.

Das wins NSF CAREER Award (2017)

Das wins DOD Breakthrough Award (2016)

   Details in Group News archive

Welcome to  Das Laboratory for Imaging Innovations at the University of Houston. Our interdisciplinary work combines elements of Applied Physics, Optical physics, Image Science, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Medical Physics, Vision Science, and Psychophysics. We develop mathematical and analytical tools, computational  methods, bench-top experiments, and instrumentation. Our major projects are in advanced X-ray imaging techniques and perception/image science. We are also interested in developing multimodality platforms combining optical, ultrasound, and X-ray imaging systems. New areas of research include bioelectricity and biomagnetism for cancer research. These developments are geared towards solving a number of challenging problems in biological and medical imaging such as early stage cancer detection. However, the applications and impact of our work is much broader and extends into other areas including defense and security, materials science, biophysics, image science, and geoscience. 

Research keywords: Optical physics, X-Ray imaging, Optical components, Spectral imaging, Bio-photonics, Medical imaging, Tomography, Photon counting x-ray detectors, Phase contrast imaging, Tomographic reconstruction methods for sparse data, Image science, machine learning, Image perception, Microscopy, bioelectricity, biomagnetsim, bioelectronics.

We are located in the Science and Research Building 1 (SR1), Room 419 on UH main Campus. 

You can reach us via email: or phone: (713) 743-3539
