October 2014: Congratulations to the FIS fellows who presented their research at the Undergraduate Research Day.

September 2014: NSF renewed grants for the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics.

July 2014: Dr. Cheung received an NSF award on the investigation of protein folding and interactions in a cell. Protein Folding in a cell

July 2014: Congratulations to Swarnendu. His first-authored paper entitled "Conformational frustration in calmodulin-target recognition" was accepted to the Journal of Molecular Recognition!

July 2014: Farewell party for Bala! We congratulated Bala who accepted an offer as an high-performance computing consultant from the Computational Institute at the University of Chicago. We wished him all the best!

April 2014: The Cheung group welcome Physics major Billy to the group!

April 2014: Dr. Swarnendu Tripathi received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Computational Cancer Biology Training Program of CPRIT. Congratulations!

Dec 2013: Dr. Cheung has been named as a 2013 American Physical Society (APS) Fellow! APS DBIO

Nov 2013: Cheung group welcomes first-year graduate student, Ezzat!

Nov 2013: Congratulations to Qian (now at UTMB), Pengzhi, and Swarnendu! In collaboration with experts at the Texas Medical Center, their paper entitled "Protein recognition and selection through conformational and mutually induced fit" was accepted to PNAS!