
If your child has been diagnosed with a developmental delay or healthcare need, or if you have concerns about your child's development, your child may qualify for early intervention services.  You can contact your child's pediatrician or click the 'Birth-3 Referral' button below.  If your child is between the ages of 3-5, you can click the '3-5 Referral' button below. 

We made a referral, now what?

Birth to 3 year olds

Once we have received your referral from your doctor's office or you as the parent/legal guardian have contacted the Early Development Network, you will be contacted by our Services Coordinator.  She will schedule a meeting with you to go over your child's case history.  Then, a team of specialists will schedule an evaluation with you and your child.  The evaluation is very play-based and typically consists of a 1-2 hour interview to get a comprehensive view of your child's development and skills.  Once the evaluation is completed, the team will schedule a meeting to go over your child's results.  At that time, the team will decide if your child qualifies for early intervention services.

3 to 5 year olds

Once you have made a referral by contacting the Norris EI Team, we will reach out to you to gain more information for your case history to give  us more information, and answer any questions you may have.  We know this can be overwhelming for parents and are here to answer any questions along the way!  We will then schedule an evaluation with you and your child.  Paperwork will be mailed to you to complete prior to the evaluation.  This helps us prepare and gain more insight that might be helpful to know prior to the eval.  Evaluations are preformed at our preschool and is very play-based, typically lasting about 45 minutes to an hour.