
The Borgmann Family

Top: Dad John, Step-Grandpa Norman, Brothers Jake, Luke

Bottom: Papa Jack, Grandma Carolyn, Grandma Leora, Me, Emma, Mom Kris

I am very blessed to have a family that I am close to.

Missing from the picture is our family vizslas Korah and Tillie, my dog Bailey.

Dear Families,

​It is with you that we are able to continue the next generations of knowledge to ensure a brighter future for all.  You are relied upon by your child/children.  As a teacher and oldest child of four, I understand the responsibilities behind fostering a young mind and body.  We both share the same goals, wants, hopes and dreams for your child/children.

​I would like you to know, I appreciate all that you do for your child/children and this school.  Without you, this all would not be possible.  So, thank you. 

​As we go through doing the best for my student and your child/children, communication and working together may be necessary.  It is not only my job, but my honor, to professionally work with each family for the end goal of individual progress of each student. 

​With this said, please feel welcome to volunteer, or purchase items for the classroom/ the class.  Every little bit from box tops, to tissues, to helping grade spelling or driving for field trips makes a huge difference in how well the classroom functions, and the opportunities we are allowed to participate in through out the year.

​Here is to a great year together!


​Miss Borgmann