KWS Bear Road Elementary School Renovations

Status of KWS Bear Road Elementary School Renovations

March 2022 - A lot of progress has been made since our last communication. Students now occupy (23) fully functional classrooms and have transitioned to utilize the newly renovated cafeteria space as a temporary gymnasium while the old gym undergoes its work. The new kitchen and several support spaces are also operational and outside of a handful of classrooms which are nearly ready, the remaining work is now focused on the gym and area “A” which includes the new offices, art, music and other support service spaces. Our contractors are as excited as we are to be on schedule! We expect to be substantially complete early this summer and to welcome our 3rd and 4th grades back to the building in September of 2022 as planned.

History of KWS Bear Road Elementary School Renovations

On October 18, 2016 North Syracuse Central School District voters approved a capital project referendum to renovate and reconstruct the Karl W. Saile Bear Road Elementary School. The initial project was outline in a newsletter and through several presentations to the Board of Education:

Voters approved the proposed October 2016 referendum, with $21.4 million dedicated to the KWS BRE renovation. Due to bids coming in higher than expected, the project was halted so the District could work with its architects to reduce the project’s scope and cost while achieving the primary objectives. On December 17, 2019, North Syracuse Central School District voters were asked to approve a second capital project referendum for renovations to the school The scope of that project is outlined in a newsletter and through several additional presentations to the Board of Education:

On December 17, 2019, North Syracuse Central School District voters overwhelmingly approved the Capital Project Referendum for renovations to KWS Bear Road Elementary School. Voters also approved an earlier (October, 2016) referendum for renovations to the school, but due to construction bids coming in higher than anticipated, the original project was put on hold.

Listed below is a history of project updates after approval of the second referendum:

September 13, 2021
Board of Education meeting presentation

June 1, 2021
Board of Education meeting presentation

January 25, 2021
Board of Education meeting presentation

Week of July 20, 2020

Board of Education meeting presentation

Week of July 13, 2020

July District Dispatch newsletter with KWS BRE Construction article

Week of July 6, 2020

Construction Underway at KWS Bear Road Elementary - District Urges Public to Use Caution and Avoid Closed Work Site

Video Animation Shows Preview of School's Planned Play Area

Week of May 26, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions Sheet #4 (for BRE families and staff)

March 24, 2020

Sibling Transfer Request Form

March 10, 2020

Letter to KWS BRE and LRE parents and staff

March 3, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions Sheet #3 (for ARE families and staff)

February 3, 2020 (updated 3/10/20)

Frequently Asked Questions Sheet #2 (for LRE families and staff)

January 27, 2020

Letter to parents of ARE students

January 21, 2020 (updated 3/10/20)

Frequently Asked Questions Sheet #1 (for KWS BRE families and staff)

January 16, 2020

Letter to parents of Lakeshore Road Elementary students

January 15, 2020

Letter to parents of Lakeshore Road Elementary School 8:1:1 students

January 14, 2020

Letter to parents of KWS BRE students

January 6, 2020

Board of Education Presentation

Letter to parents of KWS BRE students