
Mrs. Weir's Schedule for 2022-23

AC Days: Blocks 3 & 4: Algebra 1H (8th Grade) in Room 111

BD Days: Blocks 5,6 & 7: Algebra Workshop in Room 111

Mrs. Weir's Office Hours

Monday and Thursday 2.00 to 2.45

Wednesday 10.30 to 11.15

Supplies (Algebra1 and Algebra 1H)

  • 2 inch binder

  • loose leaf paper

  • plenty of pencils

  • Please read the link above about TI N-spire CX II CAS calculator

Google Classroom

Google Classroom will be the main interface for us all to stay connected. I will be sending an invitation for parents and students to join in the next few days and this is where all videos, assignments, assessments and grades will be posted.


Directions to Setup Online Gradebook

  • Go to the schooltool

  • Type in the email address that you gave the school and the password that was sent to you. Note: The password may be copy/pasted from the email message, but be careful to grab each character.

  • Click the Login button to enter schooltool™ (Once you have logged in successfully, you will see the main Home screen, which includes 4 tabs: Students, Campus, Account and Messages)

SchoolTool Login for parents and students

The portal is a module of schooltool™ that allows parents/students to view their academic information from anywhere an internet connection is available. With a portal account the following student information can be viewed:

  • Student record (basic information)

  • Contact information

  • Schedule

  • Attendance

  • Grades

  • Assignment grades

  • Report Cards and Progress Reports

The only way to learn mathematics

is to do mathematics

Paul Halmos (American Mathematician)