Course Info.

Google Classroom

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Grading Policy

Please check Schooltool on a regular basis to always be aware of your grade and follow through with extra help and retakes if your grade is not where you would like it to be.

Practice: Classwork 15%

Practice and reinforce concepts learned in class. This may take the form of activities, routine practice, computer assignments, group work etc. A grade will be assigned based on effort and not performance.

Practice: Homework 10%

This will take the form of Spiral Reviews which will be assigned and due in every A Day. They will be graded on correctness. Help will be offered after school ahead of time but not on the day the assignment is due to be turned in. I am always happy to check these reviews ahead of time too. Please take advantage of help offered. Spiral REview questions are all based on past Regent's exam questions. They are EXCELLENT preparation for the Regent's exam in June.

Assessment: Tests and Quizzes 75%

(65% when Benchmark Exam administered as this will count for 10% of total grade that quarter). Benchmark Exams are given in November and March.

Quizzes may be retaken (see below) but a Unit Test is considered a final grade. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced and will be relatively short mostly assessing one concept at a time. The best way to prepare is to participate with all classwork assignments and remain on top of all Spiral Reviews.

Quiz Retakes Procedure

Keep an eye on SchoolTool so you can see the impact of a low quiz grade

A student may retake a quiz as follows:

  • Sign up to stay after school as soon as possible after the quiz. This should be no later than one week after original quiz.

  • Bring the original quiz. You cannot retake a quiz without the original.

  • Make corrections with me present. Do not come in with a totally corrected quiz as I will want to see where the misconceptions were and help you improve.

  • Retake a similar quiz (not identical).

  • The higher grade will count.

What to do when absent

Math is very difficult to do if you miss class. Generally speaking a lot of new work is covered each class and you can easily get behind if you do nothing following an absence. It is YOUR responsibility to do one/some/all of the following:

  • email me at

  • check Google Classroom after class timeslot where you will see a copy of the notes for the day and any assignments you have missed. Zeros will be entered into Schooltool for any grades that day so you should keep an eye on the impact of missing work on your grade.

  • See me in room 111 the next morning following absence to pick up worksheets etc. or turn in work you may owe.

  • Plan to stay after as soon as possible particularly if you have missed a quiz or a test.