Teacher Resources
turnitin provides instructors with the tools to engage students in the writing process, check for plagiarism, provide personalized feedback, and assess student progress over time.
If you need an account, please see Mrs. Andrews.
Provides hundreds of professional titles including, but not limited to the following topics:
RTI, literacy, technology, STEM, assessment, PBL, classroom management, leadership, motivation and much more!!
Click HERE for the username and password if prompted
With this resource you can identify books that reflect diverse cultural experiences, interests, and ability levels, obtain resources paired with your book titles that further reading enjoyment, contextual knowledge, and educational relevance and share resources with everyone in your community via easy-to-use flyers, emails, texts, embeddable links, and social media
Professional Library Book Collection
The Professional Library Collection is located to the right when you enter the library. The collection is made up of a variety of books that have been donated by your peers to help enhance your teaching practice. If you have a recommendation of a book that should be purchased for this collection, please fill out the this form.
Here is the link to the Google sheet that states what English books are available as well as the class tabs at the bottom to see what students still have books out.