Visual Art Brochure
Upcoming Projects & Studies in the Art Room!!
9:35-10:15 Kindergarten Dibuono
10:20- 11:00 Grade1 Hennigan/McCabe
11:05-11:45 Grade3 Furey
12:30-1:10 Grade2 O'Neill
2:00-2:40 Grade 5 Iannacone
9:35-10:15 Specials prep.
10:20- 11:00 Grade1 Brochu
11:05-11:45 Grade3 Dowd
12:30-1:10 Grade2 Mara
1:15- 1:55 Grade 4 Mulvena
2:00-2:40 Grade 5 MacDonald
9:35-10:15 Kindergarten Marzilli
10:20-11:00 Castle small group
11:05-11:45 Grade 3 Brunelle
1:15-1:55 Grade 4 Schwehr
2:00-2:40 Grade 5 Taylor
Welcome to Art
At the beginning of this year there was lots of excitement about the recent Eclipse. We had fun creating our own solar eclipse experience with artist chalk on black...Very fun and effective!
Solar Eclipse 2017!!!
Gallery of Student Work
Students learned about line, pattern and implied texture. Students also experimented with color mixing. Students also practiced "mindfulness" while involved in their work.
Zentangle Leaves- grade 4&5
Zentangle is considered a form of "meditation"
Students in 4th grade also experimented with a variety of line, pattern and implied texture. They created Zentangle pumpkins and gourds.
Students in Grade 2 explored print making with recyclables and found objects...neon poster paint on black.Wow that POPS!
3-D fun with scraps and recycles
Grade 5 learns about "Non- Objective" art and creates a Mono-chromatic shape design
Concepts studied and applied: Non-objective( not depicting a person, place or thing),symmetrical(same on 2 or more sides), mono-chromatic( many shades of 1 color).
Indian Blanket Designs/ Kindergarten & Navajo Jar Resist With Cacti/ Grade 1
Students learned about variety of line and uses in arts and crafts. Students also examined some art and craft items from other cultures/nationalities.
Grade 2: Warm Hands, exploring how color in a work makes you feel
warm colors( Red, orange, yellow), in a work of art are supposed to expand and be more exciting/energetic
cool colors( green, blue, purple) in a work of art are supposed to recede and be calming