Zoom Videoconference

Zoom is a videoconferencing application that normally has free accounts available to use for unlimited meetings, but only allows for 40 minute meeting lengths; however, during this time, they are offering their professional accounts for free also. I like Zoom because it is super easy to setup, it works on almost any platform, it has higher video and audio quality than most, you can record your meetings, and it integrates into Canvas. Here are some resources to get you started. https://zoom.us

Here is a quick start guide from Penn State University that provides answers to the most common questions regarding getting set up in Zoom. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lg6cgKPC0Frsqk1VVxaL_o8ZdTwTIXPa

COVID-19 Support Page with lots of tips and resources: https://zoom.us/docs/en-us/covid19.html

And here is the playlist on YouTube of all of the brief training tutorials to quickly get your questions answered and get you up and running on Zoom. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKpRxBfeD1kEM_I1lId3N_Xl77fKDzSXe