Instructional Coaching

Welcome Teachers!

The purpose of this page is to provide resources and training in all things education to keep you and your kids moving forward. We are trying to organize things as best as we can, but there are a lot of paths available, so check around and search for things that will best help you.

What is Instructional Coaching?

The history of Instructional Coaching at North Sanpete has been diverse in its purpose. Way back in the day, when the Reading First program was a big deal in the elementary schools, Reading Coaches were hired to insure the implementation of the program. The model has evolved since that time, and it will probably continue its evolution as the needs of teachers and the students we serve continue to change. Echos of the past may continue to reverberate, but the following is a description of where we, the coaches, intend to go. Please be patient with us as this develops.

Instructional Coaches at North Sanpete School District intend to create equal partnerships with teachers. Together, we identify and implement effective research and evidence based instructional practices to meet the unique needs of the students we serve. Instructional Coaches work to empower teachers and never evaluate. An Instructional Coach’s goal is to improve student achievement across all content areas and student groups through teacher improvement.

How does instructional coaching work?

Demonstration: Model lessons and teach techniques

Teacher Support: Provide many different types of support to the teachers

Instructional Strategies: Provide teachers with guidance in planning of instructional practices and strategies

Program Implementation Strategies: Guide program implementation and monitor additional support to meet the needs of the students

Knowledge and Skills: Support the development of teachers’ knowledge and skills as a means of deepening and expanding their expertise

Resource: Provide materials, information, and ideas for teachers’ specific needs

Data Analysis/Assessment: Support and guide teachers in the area of data collection and analysis

Professional Development: Provide professional development for teachers to foster growth

Observation and Feedback: Conduct observation of instruction and help teachers improve by giving feedback

North Sanpete School District provides instructional and technology based instructional coaches. Both partner with teachers to improve student achievement. Coaches at North Sanpete meet with provisional teachers, in or out of their classrooms, weekly to support, mentor, and help improve.