
NRHS has two School Adjustment Counselors: Ms. Lindsay Gervino and Ms. Jackie Rogers.  

Ms. Gervino is a licensed mental health counselor (LMHC) and focuses on school-wide mental health and social-emotional wellness.  Ms. Rogers supports specific students who receive counseling services through an IEP - and - is the Clinical Coordinator for our Bridge Program.  Our Bridge Program is a short-term, transitional program, helping students get back into the building, caught up on missed school work, and back into classes, following an extensive absence due to medical and/or emotional circumstance/event.

Interested in getting a therapist?  Great!  We believe that mental health is a core component of well-being, feeling good in our bodies.  Here are some resources to find a therapist: Headway; Therapy Matcher; and Psychology Today.

North Reading Community Impact Team & Youth Services offer free community-based events.  Click HERE to learn more.

Ms. Laura Miranda is another great resource for our students and families.  She is a clinician, based out of the NRPD.  

McLean Hospital is a leader in educating the public on mental health.  Check out their website: Deconstructing Stigma.  

North Reading utilizes Eliot for mobile response for youth experiencing a behavioral health crisis, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.  Services include crisis assessment, development of risk management / safety planning, and referrals for additional support if/when needed.

If you are in need of emergency or urgent mental health assistance, please contact one of the following: