
Images can be inserted and edited on any portion of the page including the header.

Insert Image by URL, Search, Album, Drive

To insert an image by URL, Search, an album or Google Drive, select Images from the Insert pane or double click the page to access the Insert wheel. Once the image is on the page, you have many options including clicking and dragging the image to a new position and resizing the image (gif below shows these features in action).

If the image you are inserting is from Google Drive, be sure to share the image properly in Google Drive before inserting it into your site. You will need to change the share settings to anyone with the link or public on the web.

Insert Image by Upload

If the image is stored locally on your computer or in your H drive, you will need to insert the image by uploading it. Select Upload from the Insert pane or double click on the page to access the Insert wheel and select Upload.