Online Financial Literacy

Welcome to Online Financial Literacy!  Click the video below to see the financial pitfalls this course aims to help you avoid.


This is a one semester course in Financial Literacy, meant to give you the tools to avoid some of the common financial pitfalls in life.

Topics covered include:

This course is taught entirely online.  While major assignments and due dates will be listed on the calendar here, you will need to check the Google Classroom every week for that week's materials and assignments. Materials for several weeks will be available at all times. Hopefully this will allow you to plan ahead.  Please note that the material must be completed in order.  

Materials will usually include both a power point and a video presentation of the power point.  Choose whichever works best for you.  Most weeks will include additional articles, videos and worksheets for practice and discussion.  In addition, most weeks a discussion question will also appear, usually on Tuesday.  These questions must be responded to as if we were having an in class discussion, including required responses to the comments posted by other students.  Finallly, each week will have an assignment, consisting of a power point to be created, a project, essay, quiz or test.

Work load:  check the assignments early in the week - some take more time than others.  Remember: in this course you are managing all of your "classroom" materials and time yourself, not just the "homework" and "project" time you have to manage for your other courses.  So plan on spending about 5-7 hours or more a week (3-4 60min periods = approximately 3 hours plus homework time!)

 The first week's materials include information on course expectations, grading etc.  Every comment in the blog / discussion question is tracked and I can see and will read them all!  The usual classroom rules for discussion behavior apply to these online discussions.

 I will be monitoring and grading the course on a daily basis - you will hear from me in email blasts to the entire group, and individually by email when necessary.

 Graded work: graded work will be kept for you in room 526.  Come get it if you would like to have feedback on your assignments. 


Mrs. T