Band Program

Frequently Asked Questions

This page is intended to address FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) of students and parents regarding participation in the Band Program at New Providence High School. This does not address EVERY question, however, so if you do not find your answer here, PLEASE contact Mr. Niedziejko via E-Mail HERE. If you would like to speak to Mr. N, send an e-mail with your contact information.

Do I have to be in Marching Band to be in Concert Band?

No, it is not required (as of Winter 2018) for Concert Band students to participate in Marching Band.

Do I have to be in Concert Band to be in Marching Band?

No, although it is recommended to participate in Marching Band, Marching Band members that attend NPHS must at least attend lessons during the marching band season. All students that participate in Marching Band in this capacity are STILL held accountable to the same expectations as any other member.

I play a sport. Can I do Marching Band?

Yes, while having to manage your time, Mr. Niedziejko and the Coaches work to make multiple opportunities available to every student willing to commit to the requirements of both activities. In a small school, concessions have to be a part of the equation. "CAUTION" - Multiple activities are strenuous with regard to each student's individual schedule. Band Athletes also require support as a family to make this work.

I play football or cheer as my sport/activity. Can I do Marching Band?

The schedules while comprehensive overlap less than the other levels of participation in sports. Exemptions are available for students in JV or Varsity Football and Cheerleading. We have had students do both JV and Varsity Football/Cheerleading and Marching Band.

I am going to attend Magnet or one of the Academies (UCVTS, AIT, Allied Health, etc.), may I participate in the band program?

Alternative School students are eligible to participate in co-curricular activities at NPHS. As a result these students may participate in Marching Band and/or Jazz Band as per Jazz Band regulations. Alternate School students may not participate in Concert Band however, as it meets during the school day.

When does Marching Band start?

Marching Band begins in August, usually the last 3 weeks prior to school opening for students. The reason for this is to review very important physical skills/actions with regard to Playing, Spinning (guard) and Marching. We also need an intensive focused time to learn the drill (field formations) which needs to be done prior to any moving while performing can occur. The music for the upcoming field show is completed in the Spring and all students once in receipt of their parts are responsible for preparation and memorization prior to pre-season. Practice Files and Parts are made available on the Marching Band page of this Web Site ASA is P!

Marching Band Students MUST participate in Pre-Season Rehearsals.

Is there a Calendar?

YES! Once the district calendar is finalized by the Board of Education, The Marching Band calendar is then created and it is posted on the Marching Band page of this Web Site. While we try and not make changes, sometimes it is unavoidable due to weather or changes in the athletics schedule and the like.

What is Band Camp?... When is it? ... Do I have to go?

Band Camp is a time where we try and put most of the choreography and music to the field with the drill. We also use this time to build a work ethic and cameraderie necessary for the season. It occurs the first weekend after school opens and it is in EVERY members BEST INTEREST to participate.

If I have a conflict, what do I do?

We have an attendance policy that outlines what each member is expected to do when a conflict or absence occurs. Please see the Marching Band Forms and Policies page link in the navigation bar on the left of your screen. Sports overlaps and conflicts are also addressed on this form. If you any special circumstance that the policy does not address effectively, PLEASE contact Mr. Niedziejko.

Do I have to audition to participate?

Only for select or specifically unique opportunities such as Drum Line and Jazz Band as per the Director's Discretion.

If I am not enrolled in Band Class at NPHS, how do I sign up for Marching Band?

Let Mr. Niedziejko know via e-mail HERE. if you are thinking of joining and he will keep you and your family in the loop!

When are the auditions for Drum Line and Jazz Band?

Drum Line auditions take place each spring in Late May and/or Early June. Jazz Band auditions (IF NEEDED) are toward the end of October and/or the beginning of November. All audition materials are posted in advance of the audition on the relevant pages of this web-site. We have not auditioned for Jazz Band for several years now.

I Play Guitar/Bass Guitar/Piano or a non-traditional band instrument. May I take Concert Band?

Only if you play the traditional Band Instruments is Concert Band an option for you. Any exceptions may be made up to the discretion of the Director

traditional band instruments consist of but are not expressly limited to:

  • Flute/Piccolo

  • Clarinet (Bb Soprano, Bb Bass Clarinet)

  • Saxophone (Alto, Tenor and Baritone)

  • Bassoon

  • Oboe

  • Trumpet

  • French Horn

  • Euphonium or Baritone Horn

  • Tuba

  • Battery Percussion

  • Mallet Percussion

Can I be in Jazz Band?

Students may participate in Jazz Band if:

  • They are in Concert Band

  • They are in Marching Band

  • They participate in Band Ensemble or any combination of these three


They play an instrument utilized normally in Jazz Band such as:

  • Alto, Tenor or Baritone Saxophone

  • Trumpet

  • Trombone

  • Piano (Keyboards)

  • Bass (String and/or Electric)

  • Guitar (Acoustic and/or Electric and able to read notation not just tabs)

  • Drums (Must be able to read and perform on basic Drum Set)

Can I perform with the Concert Band on concerts if I am not in Concert Band Class?

No, students can only participate in Concert Band if they are enrolled in Band Class at New Providence High School as it only rehearses within the academic day and finer ponts of ensemble performance may only be obtained by participation in Band Class (not just band ensemble).

I have never played a band instrument. May I participate in band?

Please make an appointment with Mr. Niedziejko to assess desire and aptitude as well as select and explore proper instrument fits. We have had beginner members every year in Marching Band.

What is Band Ensemble?

Band Ensemble is a 1 credit class to promote individual or small group instrumental instruction. It meets once per week on a rotating schedule along with the regular Band Schedule.

Can I sign up for Voice Class and Ensemble?

Yes, with parental permission and communication with and permission of both the Voice Teacher and the Band Director. Please realize you are responsible for all material missed during voice class/lessons. There is a potential to miss multiple periods per cycle.

Are there lessons for students in band at the High School?

Yes! They meet once per rotation schedule based on facilities and enrollment. Lessons are mandatory for all students in enrolled in Concert Band class at New Providence High School. (Alternate School Students are not available to attend these lessons) Students may be exempt if they study privately outside of school and it is ongoing during their participation in the band program.