Famous Artists & Info

Slide show of Vincent Van Gogh's work to Starry Starry Night by Don McLean

This song was written about Vincent Van Gogh and the slide show was put together by an artist named Anthony DiFatta. 

Art Interests Beyond School / Local

1.  The Newark Museum is close by and has many exhibits.  See their programs for students as well on their web site   http://www.newarkmuseum.org

2.  The Montclair Art Museum is not far from New Providence and has wonderful exhibits.  I hope some of you can go since it's quite local.  They recently had a Georgia O'keeffe exhibit  and she's my favorite artist! It was wonderful. Check out the link.  www.montclairartmuseum.org/

3.  The Visual Art Center in Summit is so close and has both exhibits and classes. https://www.artcenternj.org/

4.  There is a school for art lessons in Millburn, NJ called One River that I have heard good things about.  https://millburn.oneriverschool.com/