First Grade will be Fantastic!
We have assembled some great materials for you to do this summer to prepare for the start of first grade. Practicing skills every day for 15-20 minutes at a time will keep your skills sharp and your mind ready to learn all the new material we are excited to teach you in the fall. Have fun!
If you find yourself needing some exercise on a rainy day head over to Go Noodle and get that body moving! Some activities you can explore are relaxing, some active and some are just for fun. You may explore other activities than the one that comes right up simply click the "X" on the left to go to the main screen. Have fun while moving and grooving.
One of the many great resources we use in Kindergarten is Scholastic Let's Find Out. Courtesy of our PTA, this resource is still available for your child. To access this account, click on the link below. Your child can log in (found in the upper right hand corner of the screen) and click on the 'I am a Student' icon. Enter the kindergarten class code: phbbltk