

Blue and Gold Week Schedule for Hybrid Learners

As we continue school utilizing a hybrid model, NPHS will alternate between Blue groups (A-K last names) and Gold groups (L-Z last names) beginning on Monday, November 2. When it is a Blue Week, the Blue group will come to school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while the Gold group would come to school on Tuesday and Thursday. When it is a Gold Week, the Gold group will come to school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while the Blue group would come to school onTuesday and Thursday.

As a point of clarification, if there is a day that we do not have school we will follow the regularly scheduled alphabet grouping. For example, there is no school on Tuesday, November 3 which is a blue week. Therefore, L-Z will only be in-person on Thursday of that week.

When students are at home they will follow the daily rotation and participate in synchronous learning with their classes at the scheduled time.
