Graduation Requirements


English 4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies 3 credits

Mathematics 4 credits

Physical Education 4 credits

Health Education 4 quarters

Electives 5 credits (min)

All students must attempt a minimum of seven (7) credits each year. Not all courses receive a full credit. Electives may include courses in unified arts, business/technology, and world languages. Students participating in specialized pathways may progress in their courses through an accelerated schedule to demonstrate proficiency.


The Class of 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025 must also meet these requirements in addition to coursework:

  • XELLO Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

  • State Assessment (Numeracy and Literacy Proficiency for Commissioners Seal)

  • Personal Finance .05 Credits

  • Completion of Senior Project (see below)

The Mission of North Providence High School is to educate all students in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment which empowers them to become well-rounded individuals who are life-long learners and productive members of society.

Senior Project Handbook 2020.2021

The Mission of Proficiency-Based Graduation Requirements (PBGRs) at North Providence High School is to provide students with the opportunity to show proficiency of the many skills they have acquired while in the North Providence Public Schools. PBGRs empower students to take responsibility for their learning and to have a powerful voice in their development as individuals. Students express what they know, display what they are able to do, and showcase their talents.

Core Values & Beliefs

We believe:

All students can learn in a student-centered educational program that reflects rigor, relevance, and relationships that collaboration and communication among students, teachers, administrators, parents, and community are essential; in recognizing and adapting to the needs of our students; in on-going evaluation of the educational program based on best practice in order to improve teaching and learning; in high expectations for students & all other members of the school community; in fostering and promoting literacy across all disciplines; in an educational program that prepares students for higher education and the global marketplace of the 21st Century; and community service learning is an essential component of student growth.

For more information on Senior Project, please click here for our handbook