from the Director

Dear Families,

North Providence High School is proud to welcome our new P-TECH Program for incoming ninth grade students. Pathways in Technology Early College High Program, otherwise referred to as P-TECH  is a grade 9-14 academic and career readiness program that brings together the best elements of high school, college, and the professional world.  This new and innovative program will prepare students for experiences in the workplace with a specified career in the healthcare industry.  The North Providence School District has been awarded this prestigious opportunity for students to receive either an Associate Degree in Healthcare Administration or Associate Degree in Health Science.  P-TECH places students on a pathway, allowing them to graduate with a high school diploma, a FREE Associate Degree from CCRI, and relevant professional experience in Rhode Island's high-growth, high wage industries. In addition, NPHS will work with a corporate partner(s) to include one-on-one mentoring, workplace visits and skills instruction, internships, and possible job opportunities upon graduation.  Our high school, CCRI, Rhode Island College, and industry partners are working collaboratively to ensure students are productive and contributing members of a global society. 

The model recognizes that students need early and engaging experiences with the workplace, to make the academic work in high school and college meaningful and valuable.  Opportunities to take challenging, rigorous, relevant courses, and to gain exposure to the workplace, can be powerful motivators for students.  Additionally, the P-TECH 9-14 model is designed to motivate and enable more students to earn a college degree and successfully transition into the workplace, with the preparation and skills needed by employers.  Embedded into the Healthcare Academy will be additional certificates that students can use to gain exposure as well as workplace opportunities in their designated pathway.

The mission of the North Providence High School program is to serve as a catalyst of change where students are self-directed learners in a personalized learning environment, embracing 21st century skills, knowledge, and habits, enabling them to become productive members of a global society.  NPHS believes that our P-TECH program  is academically challenging and student-centered,  providing our young adults with a strong foundation for future success in higher education and IN the global marketplace.


Melissa P. Caffrey, Director

fun facts about p-tech