Summer Reading Grade 8

Middle School Summer Reading

Students entering grades 6-8 are expected to participate in the Teen Summer Reading Program with Lucy Robbins Welles Library. For more information, check out their webpage or visit the library. Beginning June 14, students will be able to register for the program online.

Once registered, students will keep track of each book read by completing the form for their school. Students who participate will be eligible for prizes both at the library and at school in the fall.

Students and their families are encouraged to attend the All-Ages Summer Reading Kick-Off on Friday, June 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 at the library.

A student reading at her desk reading a book.

John Wallace student Maddy Ellis reads the last chapters of her independent novel during "Drop Everything and Read" on the last day of Read Across America Week!

Finding a Great Book

This website lists the Teen Nominees for the 2019 Nutmeg Book Award. Keep in mind that students can read fiction or nonfiction, including books of poetry or short stories, narrative nonfiction, and informational texts. These great titles and many others are available at the public library in a variety of print and audio formats.

Note: The descriptions of these books were written by members of the Nutmeg Committee.

Book Cover - All We Have Left by Wendy Mills

All We Have Left by Wendy Mills

Muslim teen Alia is trapped in the World Trade Center as chaos descends on 9/11. Years later, Jesse is doing community service as punishment for hateful graffiti. Her brother died in the Towers, her family shattered. Alternating chapters tell the girls' stories, eventually connecting them across time.

Book Cover - Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova

Awkward by Svetlana Chmakova

Peppi, a teenager who only fits in with her art club, embarrasses herself and ends up hurting the feelings of Jaime, the nerdiest kid in school. Jaime, joins the art club's rival: the science club. As the clubs battle it out at school, Peppi and Jaime fight on an emotional level, both learning important lessons in the process.

Book Cover - The Bitter Side of Sweet by Tara Sullivan

The Bitter Side of Sweet by Tara Sullivan

Amadou and his brother, Seydou, need to harvest more and more cacao pods in order to survive the plantation bosses. Hope arrives with Khadija, the first girl to ever appear on the plantation. She has been forced into labor just like the boys, but as a girl she has even more reason to escape the bosses than they do.

Book Cover - Ghost by Jason Reynolds

Ghost by Jason Reynolds

Castle Crenshaw, a.k.a. Ghost, has been running ever since he and his mom escaped from his father's violent anger. After Ghost inadvertently earns a spot on an elite track team, his mother agrees to let him join, but only if he can stay out of trouble. However, Ghost can't stay on the straight and narrow. Will Coach help him out, or turn him in and cost Ghost his dream?

Book Cover - Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova

In her attempt to rid herself of her bruja powers, Alejandra accidentally banishes her family to the underworld, known as Los Lagos. In order to make things right, Alex joins up with Nova, a powerful brujo boy, and her non-magical best friend, to make the dangerous journey to find them.

Book Cover - Need by Joelle Charbonneau

Need by Joelle Charbonneau

Everyone is joining the hottest new social media site, NEED. Answer one simple question (What do you need? New phone? Concert tickets?), perform a minor task, and you get what you asked for. Kaylee's brother needs a new kidney. It's a long shot, but she figures she'll try NEED - and quickly realizes the high price she'll have to pay.

Book Cover - OCDaniel by Wesley King

OCDaniel by Wesley King

Daniel has some strange habits, like flipping light switches, avoiding certain numbers, and more. He doesn't know exactly what's going on, but he tries very hard to make sure no one notices—until someone does. Soon Daniel is caught up in a friendship and then a mystery that will change his life.

Book Cover - Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee

Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee

In the early 1900s, 15-year-old Mercy Wong is determined to escape the poverty of China-town by getting an education. Mercy convinces admissions officers to allow her into St. Clare's School for Girls, and she stands strong until a historic earthquake hits San Francisco. Charged with a mission to help others, Mercy searches for a way to make an impact during a tragedy.

Book Cover - The Six by Mark Alpert

The Six by Mark Alpert

Virtual reality games are Adam’s only escape. Muscular dystrophy has stolen his mobility and will soon take his life. When an Artificial Intelligence threatens the world, Adam and five other terminally ill teens are asked to abandon their bodies and have their minds uploaded into robots. Will the team be able to master their new forms and take down Sigma before he destroys humanity?

Book Cover - Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart

Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart

Lily and Dunkin tell the story of their on-again, off- again friendship in alternating chapters. Lily, who was born Timothy, is transgender and negotiating a new relationship with her father, while dreading puberty and the unwanted changes it will bring. Dunkin is bipolar and trying to control his manic episodes while making friends in a new school. Their own issues help them to accept each other for who they really are.

Libraries Rock! Connecticut Reads 2018 - The Governor's Reading Challenge

Need More Book Suggestions?

Remember, your teachers, school librarians, and public librarians would love to give you suggestions about what to read. For more information and recommendations, please check out the summer reading pro-grams at the Lucy Robbins Wells Library:

You can also check out the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Summer Reading pages at

Get Caught Reading!

Submit a photograph of yourself reading this summer to be posted on the District’s Facebook page. Students who submit images will be eligible to win a prize at the end of the summer!

Send your photos using this Google Form.

Principal reading in a lawn chair with sun glasses on in the school library

MK Principal, Mr. Lambert, loves to read a good book at the beach!

Five students stand in the school hallway reading books.

Kellogg students even find time in the hallway to dive into their books! Included in the photo above are: Katie Ziomek, Marc Pantano, Isabella Presutti, Elisa Taylor and Mariapia Asca.

New 2019 Nutmeg Nominees

If you are interested in seeing the 2019 Nutmeg Nominees, visit