The Northbridge Public Schools depend on volunteers throughout each school year to assist with learning, activities, events, etc. Volunteer opportunities can occur ongoing throughout the year or for just one activity/event and may take place during the school day or before/after school hours. We are so grateful for all of our volunteers!

Volunteering in the schools can be a fun and fulfilling way for a parent/guardian to be involved in their child's education. All NPS volunteers are required to complete a CORI every two years. To assist families with their volunteering we have created the following guide. We ask that all volunteers review this information to help insure a positive, productive volunteer experience.

  • Sign in/out at the office and wear a volunteer badge. This lets others in the building know that you have gone through the proper channels to be in the building. It also helps the office maintain an accurate account of individuals in the building.

  • Maintain confidentiality and professionalism. It is inappropriate to discuss situations observed while performing volunteer duties. ALL things that are seen and heard at school about children and/or families is considered privileged information, including student progress and behavior. You are never permitted to talk about students; this includes in the classroom, on the soccer field, or anywhere in public. Volunteers are expected to accept all children and their diversities. Each child grows and learns at his/her own pace and comes from their own unique family situation. Please do not make value judgments or label any child; they are all unique individuals!

  • Your role is to support the classroom teacher. Classroom volunteers work under the direction of the classroom teacher. Your primary responsibility is to help the class as a whole. Please try to separate your role of parent from that of volunteer. The teacher remains in charge of all areas of the classroom. When issues arise concerning student behavior volunteers should defer to the classroom teacher. Additionally, please understand that teachers are bound by regulations and not able to share certain information with volunteers.

  • Help maximize instructional time. Please be respectful of the classroom by not disrupting instructional time or student learning. Conversations among adults should be minimal. If you carry a cell phone, please turn off the ringtone and wait until you have left the classroom to talk or text. If there is a problem, issue or concern, please schedule a separate time to come in and meet with the classroom teacher. Discussing issues in the middle of class or with other staff members or guardians is not appropriate at any time.

  • Keep your commitments. Classroom teachers develop lessons with volunteer availability in mind. It is important that you be present on the day and time that the classroom teacher is expecting you. Whenever possible, please contact the teacher the day before if you are not going to be able to be in the classroom at the scheduled time. The teacher is counting on you and needs adequate time to adjust the class plans.

  • Siblings are not allowed during volunteering. Please make arrangements for siblings when you come in and volunteer in the classrooms. This is for the safety and benefit of all.