Email and Phone Communications

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to sign up to receive district and school level messages?

a. No, you do not need to sign up to receive district or school level messages. The front office staff of your child's school will enter your contact information into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for you. If the email or phone number is incorrect, please let them know and they will adjust accordingly.

Q. Have you stopped receiving messages from the district?

a. If you have received messages in the past the most likely reason is that you have unsubscribed from one our distribution lists and have been added to a blocked list. Please check your Spam folder for any communications you may have missed. If you still do not see any communications, email your student's school office staff.

Q. When will the school district use phone calls?

a. Phone calls are reserved typically for emergencies and absentee calls. When sending emergency message we use an internal emergency category that forces all phone calls to families. If your student is absent from school you will get a call from the office staff.