Vision Statement

The Newark Board of Education Library Media Centers will be the central hub of the 21st-century learning experience. Our vision for the Educational Media Services of the Newark Public School District is for the Library/Media Centers to be the central hub of the 21st-century learning experience. We are dedicated to both the teaching and learning of digital citizenship, information skills, literacy, and to promote lifelong learners and readers. Our vision is to ensure that all teachers, learners and community members should have access to both printed and non-printed materials. The Office of Educational Media Services of the Newark Board of Education is dedicated to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to develop the 21st-century information literacy skills necessary to maximize their potential to become independent, lifelong learners and to be productive citizens.

School library media centers throughout the District of Newark provide a broad spectrum of resources to augment and integrate the curriculum developed to meet the goals and objectives outlined, the National Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning, and the National Educational Technology Standards. The school library and its instructional program, are critical components of the educational process, contributing to the achievement of the goals and objectives through programs and services that are implemented to support the instructional programs of the school Library media specialists manage our school library media centers. Assistance is encouraged from student and parent volunteers, providing opportunities for community involvement. Library Media Specialists serve as instructional partners in Academic Services, provide information access and delivery, further administering and managing the library media program. They serve as an integral part of the educational team by providing enriching environments within the centers, assisting with technology integration, and acquiring resources and activities in print, audio, visual, and electronic media, which satisfies educational needs, encourage interdisciplinary studies, and inspires a love for recreational and independent reading.

The Office of Educational Media Services continues to be actively involved in developing partnerships with The Newark Public Library, The Newark Museum, The New Jersey Historical Society, and Learning Resource Centers. As a result of these partnerships, media specialists have been instrumental in utilizing services available and providing an array of materials to enhance students’ knowledge base across all areas of the curriculum. Currently, district media centers are updating existing collections and automating circulation systems. This will modernize and improve circulation, cataloging, scheduling, and inventory procedures. Automation will further expand the possibilities of research and information retrieval. Therefore, it is essential that students have knowledge in assessing, evaluating, and choosing from a constantly changing and growing reservoir of information within the media centers of The Newark Public Schools.

School Library/Media Centers

Our Collection Includes the Following Popular Magazines: