North Plainfield Technology Department
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide quality technology resources to constantly improve the education of our students, staff and community.
"We need technology in every classroom and in every students hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world"
-David Warlick
Did you know you can purchase insurance for you device for a one time payment of $45.20 and you will be covered for the entire year? Click on 'Chromebook Documents' above for details on how to purchase!
Do you want to check your grades, attendance, class schedules and more? Click on the 'Genesis sign up/Login page above!
Meet Our Technology Team
Darrell Taylor
Manager of Technology Systems and Administrative Services
Jessica Townley - Technology Department Secretary
Rob Dixon - Computer Technician
Dennis Fimbel - Computer Technician
Fidel Medina - Computer Technician
Chris Davison - Computer Technician