Astronomy Videos

Audio Visual Imagineering, Inc. has allowed us to have access to a few of its fulldome programs rendered in a flat screen format. This allows you to enjoy these programs on any of your devices. Please contact Mr. B at if you have any trouble accessing any of these programs.


Legends of the Night Sky: Orion

Learn about one of the most famous and brightest constellations in the night sky, Orion. Watch as Orion and his hunting dogs Sirius and Procyon, have many adventures on their way to becoming the legends that we know today! This program is 25 minutes in length.

Click the following link to access this program: Legends of the Night Sky: Orion

Legends of the Night Sky: Perseus and Andromeda

One of the most famous couples in the night sky is Perseus and Andromeda. Join them and a cast of characters including Pegasus as we learn the history of this pair of constellations! This program is 19 minutes in length.

Click the following link to access this program: Legends of the Night Sky: Perseus and Andromeda

The Little Star

What is a star? How does a solar system form? What is a planet? All of these questions and more will be answered as you learn about the Little Star in this entertaining story. This program is 36 minutes in length.

Click the following link to access this program: The Little Star

The Moon

What do you know about the Earth's closest neighbor in the universe? Come along and learn about what the moon is made of, why it changes shapes and when you can find the Moon in the sky. This program is 20 minutes in length.

Click the following link to access this program: The Moon