Summer Assignments
~Updated for the upcoming 2024-2025 School Year!~
In order to help prepare students for their course load, the Social Studies department assigns summer work for upper-level high school classes. The only courses with summer assignments for the 2024-2025 school year are the Advanced Placement (AP) classes listed below. There are NO summer assignments for any 5.0, P, or 6.0/H-level courses for Social Studies in grades 7-12.
10th Grade
11th Grade
11th & 12th Gr. Electives
General Expectations & Directions for Summer Assignments:
Due to copyright protections, only students who log in with their NP provided email accounts -- -- will be able to access the secure documents.
Unless otherwise stated, students should be prepared to submit their summer work on the first day of school or shortly thereafter. Formal tests or assessments on the work should be expected during the first week of school.
Unless otherwise stated, it is NOT the expectation of the Social Studies teachers that students print all the pages of the summer assignments. Feel free to read the documents electronically, hand-write notes/graphic organizers, etc.