Delta Epsilon Phi

What is Delta Epsilon Phi?

Delta Epsilon Phi is basically our Honor Society (but German). Delta Epsilon Phi is a nation-wide program and we are proud to have a chapter at North Penn High School!

How do I join? Do I have any obligations?

Towards the middle of the school year, Herr Baker will reach out to eligible candidates. Those applying MUST:

1.) Have and maintain a (X) GPA

2.) Be currently taking German

3.) Be of a high moral character

4.) Have a form signed by their teachers and guidance counselor

5.) Turn in their application ON TIME

There will be an induction ceremony in late May to honor the inductees. Inductees MUST attend the induction, unless discussed with Herr Baker AHEAD of time. Inductees or other German students/club members may be asked to perform or partake in a cultural offering at the induction (such as a play, musical performance, or so forth).

Have any questions?


Our advisor, Herr Baker, here or the Delta Epsilon Phi Coordinator, Lorna, here