Did you know?

(click on the drop down menu for the answer!)

True or False: Berlin is 9 times bigger than Paris and has more bridges than Venice


Berlin is about the size of New York City (though less populated) and depending on the definition of bridges (water bridges, road bridges, etc.) one can count between 969 to 2100 bridges in the city alone!

How many countries have German as its official language?


Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein!

Germany has the most zoos in Europe. How many are there?

Germany has 310 zoos, making it the second country in the world with the most amount of zoos (The US comes in first with 371)

How many countries does Germany border? Can you name them?


1. Austria 4. Czech Republic 7. Belgium

2. Denmark 5. Switzerland 8. Luxembourg

3. Poland 6. France 9. Netherlands

How many German dialects are there?


Bread and Sausage are popular German foods. Can you guess how many kinds of each there are?

There are 300 different kinds of bread and over 1,000 kinds of sausages in Germany!

What percentage of Germany is still covered in forests?

About one-third (33%) of Germany is covered in beautiful forests such as the Schwarzwald (Black Forest), Spessart, and Harz National Park!

How many letters are in the longest German word?


The word Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft has 79 letters in it and translates to English as the "Association for Subordinate Officials of the Main Maintenance Building of the Danube Steam Shipping Electrical Services". But there is debate as to whether this association ever actually existed!

What happens if a prisoner tries to escape from jail in Germany?


As long as the prisoner doesn't commit more crimes, escaping from jail is not punishable by law. But if the prisoner breaks the bars, it's considered damage of property or if they leave with their clothes it's considered theft! 'Freedom' is considered to be a basic human instinct, so it's legal to try and escape as long as you don't harm any one or thing in the process!