English Debate Team

See how our debaters have benefited from English Debate!

Debate team is like a warm family . In this family, you can gain a lot more than debating- communication skill, logical thinking, essay writing skill and most importantly, the family-like teammates. We support, encourage and push each other to strive for excellence. Always staying hungry is the best thing the team has taught me.

Toby Chung, 4E (2017-2018)

For these three years in debate team, I’ve learned a lot. Joining debate team isn’t just fun, but also a nice place to make new friends and improve your English in different ways, like learning more vocabulary and improving your grammar! From having competitions, I’ve also found a new and better me who is much more confident in front of a lot of people!

Ancelica Cheung, 5C (2019-2020)

The years I spent in the English Debate Team were invaluable and momentous to me. Not only does it help me learn how to think objectively, but it also boosts my confidence in speaking publicly. I was a shy person who used to be afraid of any presentations. However, I gained confidence through the debate competitions I participated as it required us to speak assertively so that you can convince the judge and audience. Therefore, I strongly recommend you guys who might be afraid of English to join the English Debate Team as this is a chance to enhance your English and your self-esteem. Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone as I assure you, this is an experience you won't regret.

Cherry Chan, 5D (2019-2020)

I have joined debate team since I was S2. We cried and smiled but keep on going because we trust our lovely teammates and our hard work.”Practice makes perfect.” Today, I'm proud to say that we finally got champion in 2019! Debate really does good on both your inter- and intrapersonal skills by expanding your social circles and enhancing your skills in English. So grab your chance and fight for the honor together!

Karry Hong, 5A (2019-2020)

I am pleased to join the debate team since I was from 3 and meet a group of adorable teammates and teachers. During the three-year journey in debate, I have learned to think from different perspectives, improved my confidence and public speaking skills as well as broadened my horizon.

Dana Chau, 5C (2019-2020)

Joining the debate team, I have built my confidence in public speaking. While I am debating, I need to leave a good impression to the adjudicator and our opponents. I understand that a good speaker needs not only convincing ideas, but also confident manner. Receiving the support from my teammates and teachers, I have become a more confident and a better speaker.

Minnie Wong, 5E (2019-2020)

Debating was deemed dull and busy, but once I joined the debate team, I discovered I cannot only enhance my language, but also develop the companionship with others. Over the past three years of debate training, I have joined plenty of competitions. We had won and lost, but we also learn from the mistakes. Bearing our ambition in mind, we won the championship of Hong Kong Secondary School Debate Competition in 2019. You can definitely broaden your horizon and social circle by joining debate team. Join us NOW!

Mavis Yuen, 4D (2019-2020)

Debate benefits your whole person development. For academics, your reading, speaking, writing and listening skills will be vastly improved by participating competitions. For socializing , it builds up your interpersonal skills because teamwork and good communication skills are needed. Join us if you want a chance to develop yourself academically and socially!

Isabella Tsang, 4D (2019-2020)

In these two years, apart from the debating skills, the most important lesson I’ve learnt is even if you fail, you still need to keep going and not to be afraid of the possibility of failing again. My team had lost few rounds of debate but we believed that only when we persist, there will be a chance for us to win! And finally, we won the grand finals!

Minnie Wong, 4D (2019-2020)

Starting from mini debate, I have joined debate for three years. I have learned many high level words, teamwork and to challenge myself. Sometimes, it is difficult to think of the arguments, but debate is fun for me as a challenge. It is just like getting game points to get through levels in mobile game! If you can think of a good rebuttal or point, you will have the sense of achievement!

Natalie Hui, 3A (2019-2020)

I joined the debate team when I was form 2. I’m blessed to meet the teachers and teammates who are all very nice and kind to me. They have taught me a lot and trained my English skills. The experience of the debate has made me more confident in speaking English.

I’m glad that debate team members have accompanied me in these few years. And I am going to work harder in future!

Kiki Chau, 3A (2019-2020)

Personally, I think debate helps me become more logical when I speak and broadens the scope of my thinking. I can also think from more perspectives when l write composition.

Joyce Chan, 2C (2019-2020)

Thanks to debate, I can use the knowledge which I have gained here in other areas such as writing and speaking. My English writing improves a lot too!
I was invited to have competitions twice but unfortunately, they were cancelled. I hope I can grab more chances to join competitions next year!

Samantha, 2C (2019-2020)