Who said, "ART!!!!"

Hello Students & Parents/Guardians!

This website will allow you all access to the course materials for my classes.

If you go to the menu at the top of the site you will be able to see the course I am teaching this year. On your classroom page you will find the Course Expectations, Assessment Protocol, Standard Based Portfolio Instructions, and the Daily Agenda.

All Students & Parents/Guardians should know my policy for cellphones in the classroom (which is in all of my Course Expectations):

  • Cell Phone Policy: Students will not be allowed to have cell phones out during class! The only times cell phones will be allowed is when directed by the teacher. I will indicate these times during class time. These times may be during demonstrations, to document work, or instructions. There is absolutely no texting during class. Students will not be able to use phones to listen to music. If you cannot follow these instructions you will be required to place your phone in an assigned classroom pocket in a cell phone wall hanging organizer during class for the remainder of the term; at the beginning of the next term we will reexamine your ability to have your cell phone on your person during class.

On each page you will find a link to the appropriate Google Classroom.