Fulton Science

What is "Blended Learning?"

"Blended learning can provide students with choice and voice in their learning which has the ability to be customized for each student, reaching students of varying learning styles. The goal of blended learning is to combine the best teaching practice from a traditional classroom and those from a digital classroom. The teaching strategies should align to the goals of the learning objective. Some lessons may require the use of technology, other lessons technology may not be needed, while other lessons may need technology for part of the lesson. The end goal is to have and utilize the proper tool to enhance the curriculum and meet the instructional needs of the students."

-Excerpt from Pickerington Local School District Instructional Technology Plan - "Gears of Blended Learning"

In addition to the benefits stated above, it is my hope that this blended learning model will encourage more collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking while pushing students to take a more active role in the learning process. As long as students are using their class time effectively, they will have a very limited amount of work to complete outside of normal class sessions.

This more self-directed model of learning also allows students to dive deeper into topics of high personal interest. Students should feel free to branch off and explore concepts that are related to their current curriculum even if those topics aren't directly indicated as Ohio Learning Standards for 7th Grade Science.