
This section is for Receptive and Expressive Language. Receptive Language includes how the child "understands" what is being said to him or her. Following directions and responding to questions accurately are examples of Receptive Language. Expresssive Language is how the child communicates using words. Using grammatical sentences, responding to questions on topic, and vocabulary are all examples of expressive language.

If you do have any questions, please e-mail me at


Week of March 23rd thru March 27th

This is the story for the week of March 23rd thru March 27th. Please listen to the story and complete the following activities that are relevant to your child.


  1. What is an ocean?

  2. What is a fish?

  3. What is a scale?

  4. What is an octopus?

  5. What is a friend?


  1. What is the ocean for?

  2. What is a cave used for?

  3. What is the octopus ink used for?

  4. What is a fin used for?


  1. Name 3 things that live in the ocean.

  2. Name 3 parts of a fish.

  3. Name 3 things about the ocean.

  4. Name 3 ways to make friends.

  5. Name 3 of your friends.


  1. Tell 3 things about the ocean

  2. Tell 3 things about the rainbow fish.

  3. Tell 3 things about the starfish.

  4. Tell 3 things about the octopus.

  5. Tell 3 things about a friend.


Make a sentence using the following words.

  1. ocean

  2. fish

  3. scale

  4. fine

  5. friend


Name a rhyming word for each word below:


2. scale


4. wise

5. swim

Correct the following sentences so that they sound correct.

  1. Him didn't have any friends because he too beautiful.

  2. The fish scales are colorful.

  3. Him said "No" to the little blue fish.

  4. Him asked the starfish for help and him said, "Go ask the octopus because her is smart."

  5. The octopus said "Gave away your scales."

  6. The little blue fish said "I can have a scale?"

  7. Him shared him scales/

  8. Him gived everyone a shiny scale.

Week of March 30th thru April 3rd

This week's story is IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE. Please listen to the story and answer the following questions that are relevant to your child's goals. If you have the book at home you can use this to reinforce the objective listed. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me!

This would be a great story to read and then make some chocolate chip cookies! You can reinforce following directions "Put the butter in AFTER the sugar" "Put in the flour, sugar, and baking soda." "Wash your hands BEFORE you get a spoon" etc.

This version of the story is an example to be used for students who are communicating using the LAMP program with their Augmentative Communication Device. Do not do this version if you do not have one of these devices.

Complete the following activities that are relevant to your child's speech goals

Below is a sequencig map for the story "If you give a Mouse a Cookie". If you have a printer you can click on the image and print. If not simply have the child indicate from the pictures what comes first, second, third, etc. after you click on the image. As they find the picture you can ask questions about the pictures "What do you do with a straw? Why did the mouse need a napkin?" If your child is working on Yes/No questions you could ask "Is this a napkin" "Is this a cow?", etc. Some children needing assistance with yes/no may require a visual in order to respond (a picture of an X for "no" and a picture of a check mark for "yes" or a smiley face for "yes" and a sad face for "no".


Here are some comprehension questions you can ask your child regarding the story. You may need to give 2 choices if they are not able to respond on their own. If they have significant difficulties with responding to questions on their own, I will often use my hands (holding out both hands while verbally giving the choices) in order for them to indicate their choice (pointing to the correct hand) or will given picture choices for them to respond (I have drawn my own when I don't have picture choices readily available!). For example with the question "What did the mouse want first?" If the child is not able to answer on their own I would give verbal choices (Does mouse want a cookie or a game?). If they are still not able to respond I would offer a picture choice (hand drawn usually works fine).


Complete the following with words that go together


Grammar Activities

  1. Use of correct pronouns. What does the mouse want? Practice "HE wants a cookie, napkin, etc.".

  2. Use of correct possessive pronouns. What belongs to the mouse? "This is HIS cookie, napkin, etc."

  3. Use of irregular past tense. What did the mouse do? "He ATE the cookie. He DRANK the milk. He DREW a picture, etc."

Week of April 6th thru April 9th

The story this week is The Night Before Easter. Please listen to the story and complete the following activities that are relevant to your child's goals. Happy Easter!

Answer the following comprehension questions:


Tell what category each egg belongs.

Print the following following directions activity. You could also use this for the child to give the adult directions using the direction word, color word, and noun using the sheet next it. (i.e. Put the red bird beside the Easter bunny). You can print by clicking on the image and clicking on the box with the diagonal arrow.


Try these scavenger hunts for some fun!

Week of April 20th thru April 24th

This week I have decided to think of summer activities and camping will be the theme! Have any of you been camping before? What things would you need to go on a camping trip? What can you do when you go camping? Listen to the story below and complete the following activities. Again if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at

There are a lot of opposites in this book. We call those words antonyms! Please name an opposite for the words listed below from the story. Parents: you can increase comprehension of these words by acting them out or providing concrete examples. For example, for understanding of many and few you can show the child objects that are "many" such as many crayons, blocks, etc. and then a "few" of something. Give the child directions such as "Give me many" of something of "Give me a few". Give examples of things that are "heavy" and "light", run "fast" and walk "slow", pretend to be "asleep" and "awake", etc.

  1. Many and ___________ 6. Heavy and ___________

  2. Hard and ____________ 7. Dry and ____________

  3. NIght and _____________ 8. Big and ____________

  4. Awake and ______________ 9. In and _____________

  5. Early and ______________ 10. Fast and ______________

The following activites are normally done with a magnetic board. I have just included the pictures to use instead.

Print off the two pages. You can start by first identifying the pictures of the camping items. Tell 3 things about each item including the category, function, and characteristics. For example, a bird is an animal (category), it flies, lives in a tree, builds a nest (function), and it has wings, beak, and can be different colors (characteristics).

If you print off 2 copies of each you can practice giving each other directions. Place a barrier between you so that you are not able to see each other's pictures. Give directions to each other and then when finished compare the placement of the pictures to see if they are the same. If they are the same, you did a good job either giving the directions or you did a good job listening. Examples of directions would be put the pot ON the fire, put the fish IN the pot, put the deer IN FRONT of the girl. etc. You must be very specific with your directions or the pictures will not look the same! You may need to practice a few times for understanding of the words being used (in front, behind, in, etc.). Some examples and additional activities are provided below on the other sheets.


Below are a few musical videos to practice spatial concepts and prepostional phrases!

Below are some 'math' problems using language concepts embedded in the math problem. Frequently a child does not understand the language that is used in the story problem in order to solve the equation. Practice the ones below. You can use real marshmallows as manipulatives.

  1. Jack got 3 marshmallows and Sarah got 4, how many ALTOGETHER?

  2. Bobby had 6 marshmallows and ate 3, how many are LEFT?

  3. There are 6 marshmallows for 2 kids, how many marshmallows does EACH child get?

  4. Johnny had 20 marshmallows in a pile and ate the WHOLE pile, how many did she eat?

  5. You have 10 marshmallows. The dog ate 5 marshmallows and the cate ate 2, how many marshmallows are MISSING?

  6. Sarah ate 6 marshmallows and then ate 4 more, how many did she eat IN ALL?

Week of April 27th to May 1st

I have two stories this week! The first story is primarily for my first grade students. You can listen to the story and respond to the questions that follow with sentence starters. The second story is a video that I have made of myself reading a story that kindergarten or first graders can do. The Old Lady video has been adapted for use for both language and articulation kids in case you're wondering why I am addressing speech sounds in it!

  1. Why was Froggy excited? Froggy was excited because.........

  2. What are some things you would pack for a sleep over? I would pack...........

  3. What did Froggy forget to pack? Froggy forgot his........

  4. Where were the things that Froggy forgot? He found his ________in the __________.

  5. What did Max want to do at his sleepover? Max wanted to..............

  6. What was the problem in the story? Froggy thought it was......................

  7. What did they do to solve the problem? Froggy and Max......................

  8. Why did Froggy get embarrassed? Froggy got embarrassed because..................

  9. When did Froggy and Max go to sleep? Froggy and Max went to sleep.......................

Complete the following direction activity to make a frog puppet!

  1. Gather a paper bag, glue, and crayons. You will need green, black, and red.

  2. Color the largest circles green green and the smallest circles black. Leave the medium sized circles white.

  3. Color the long rectangle red on BOTH sides. Color the arms green.

  4. Cut out all the pieces.

  5. Use a crayon and roll the long red rectangle around the crayon so that it curls.

  6. Glue the white circles in the middle of the green circles and the black circles in the middle of the white circles.

  7. Glue the finished circles on the top of the paper bag (folded side up) so that the eyes are half way up from the top of the bag.

  8. Glue the arms on the sides of the bags inside the folds.

  9. Glue the curled tongue under the flap (curled side going up).

  10. Put your hand inside and you have a puppet! Act out the story of Froggy's sleepover with your frog.

The Old Lady who Swallowed a Frog

Below is an extension activity to go with the book.

Complete the following activity for following directions to make a pretty spring picture.


Copy and mix up the pictures and then put them in the correct order. Retell the story in your own words using complete sentences.


Week of May 4th thru the 8th

Here is a video of a story called The Bears Picnic. Please listen to the the story and complete the activities that go along with it.

Print off the two pages of the picnic scene and the pictures. You can start by first identifying the pictures of the picnic items. Tell 3 things about each item including the category, function, and characteristics. For example, a frog is an animal (category), it hops, lives in the water, eats flies (function), and it is green with a long tongue (characteristics).

If you print off 2 copies of each you can practice giving each other directions. Place a barrier between you so that you are not able to see each other's pictures. Give directions to each other and then when finished compare the placement of the pictures to see if they are the same. If they are the same, you did a good job either giving the directions or you did a good job listening. Examples of directions would be put the frog ON the lily pad, put the sandwich IN the picnic basket, put the ball IN FRONT of the boy. etc. You must be very specific with your directions or the pictures will not look the same! You may need to practice a few times for understanding of the words being used (in front, behind, in, etc.).



Where were the bears going?

Why would it not be good to have a picnic near a train?

What was wrong with the place that had all of the picnic tables?

What kind of insects tried to attack the bears?

What fell on top of the bears heads?

Why would it not be good to have a picnic near an airplane?

Where did Papa bear go that looked like the perfect spot?

Why was it not the perfect spot?

How did Mama bear feel?

Where was the perfect spot to have a picnic?


Apron Pester Complain Mosquito Jet


For this activity you will need a paper bag. You can use the cut outs pictured below or you can use play food items and substitute for the cut outs for the directions. Complete the following directions to have a silly picnic lunch.

  1. First open your paper bag and put it on one of your hands.

  2. Then stand up, turn around in a circle and say, "Picnic Time!"

  3. Next, put your bag on the floor in front of you and blow it a kiss.

  4. Next, take the pickle. Tickle yourself with the pickle, and put it in the bag.

  5. Now take the soda can. Pour some soda on your hands and rub them together.

  6. Next, pour soda on your feet and rub it in.

  7. Then put the soda in your bag.

  8. Take the ice cream cone. Turn it upside down and wink at it.

  9. Then put both the ice cream cone and the hot dog in your bag.

  10. Blow into the bag 3 times to cool off the hot dog.

  11. Hold your bag with 2 thumbs.

  12. Now let's hike to find a picnic spot.

  13. Look up high for a picnic spot.

  14. Look low for a picnic spot.

  15. Look underneath something for a picnic spot.

  16. Now sit on your hand, take out your food, and have a picnic!


Plan a real picnic! Give directions for preparing the food. For example, when making the sandwich you could say "Put the peanut butter on BEFORE the jelly, Put 3 cookies in a baggie, There are 10 crackers and 2 people, how many crackers do we each get?, Put the sandwich in the cooler After the soda pop", etc.

Play a describing game. For example, " I would like to make something that has 2 pieces of bread, peanut butter and jelly, or Give me something that is round and red and grows on a tree", etc.

Week of May 11th thru the 15th

The story for this week is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Listen to the story and follow up activity and complete the activities that pertain to your child below.


Cut out and color the pictures and put the story in order. Use complete, grammatical sentences to retell the story.


Complete the directions that go with the picture below.


Find two caterpillars. Color one caterpillar green and the other brown.

Draw an X on one of the caterpillar's antenna.

Color the other caterpillar's legs black.

Find the sun. Color it yellow.

Color the sky blue.

Find the butterfly. Circle it.

Color one of the butterfly's wings. red.


Find the animal that is eating, Circle it.

Fine the animal that is crawling. Draw a square around it.

Find something that is shining. Draw an X on it.

Find the animal that is flying. Draw a line under it.


Week of May 18th thru May 22nd

Listen the story "The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell" and do the following activities that pertain to your child. I also used this same video to address my articulation kids so please disregard if your child is not working on speech sounds!

Recall what the old lady swallowed by filling in the blanks. Use a complete sentence to tell what she swallowed. The document attached is 2 pages. You can write the words of the items she swallowed (word bank at the top or try to spell on your own!) and draw the items in her hand.


Put the pictures of the items she swallowed in the correct order.

Follow the directions below. Play a game of the " The Old Lady says....." in the same way that "Simon Says" is played. First start with the 2 step directions and if those are easy do the 3 step directions.


Print off 2 pages and use the beach scene and items to give each other directions. Compare the scenes when finished to see if they look the same. Be sure to use very specific directions so that the pictures look the same.


Week of May 26th thru the 29th

Define and describe the summer pictures below by naming up to 3 characteristics such as the category, function, parts, location you would see the item, what it looks like, or what its made of.


Follow the directions below to make an ice cream sundae.
