
This section is for articulation practice. I've tried to include as many sounds as I could think of that each child is working on. Practice only those sounds that your child is having difficulty with. Scroll down to see practice items for the following weeks.

If you do have any questions, please e-mail me at

Below are some videos to address some common sound errors.

Speech Tips for "L" Sounds

Speech Tips for "S" Sounds

Speech Tips for "K" Sounds

Speech Tips for "CH" Sounds

Here are some pictures to practice your speech sounds. Please find the sounds your child is working on and practice those sounds.

Week of March 30th thru April 3rd

This is the story for this week. This is a great book to reinforce working on k and c. IF you have this book at home have your child practice k and c by pretending to be the mouse and ask "CAN I have a napkin, straw", etc. after each item the mouse requests. To target /l/ you can have the child repeat "Mouse LIKES his cookie, napkin, straw", etc. To practice /w/ have the child repeat "Mouse WANTS a cookie, etc." To practice final /s/ have the child say the word "mouse" every time you get to that word in the story.

Continue to practice any sounds periodically throughout the day that your child is working on. Play games, correct in structured conversation, say a targeted word up to 5 times for 5 minutes daily. This practice will help carryover of sounds.

Week of April 6th thru April 9th

Please use this story to practice your speech sounds. You can work on /l/ in the word "lady", /s/ in the word "sick", k and c in the word "chick" or "candy", /ch/ in the word "chick", /r/ blends in the word "grass", and /s/ blends in the word "swallowed". This story is also great to practice sentence formation and use your sounds in sentences "She swallowed a _______". Try to recall everything the lady swallowed and use those words in the sentence.

This would also be a great time to hide Easter eggs with target sounds inside the egg. Practice saying those words in a sentence.

Have fun and Happy Easter!

Week of April 20th thru April 24th

Below is a calendar for April and May that has activities for each day to practice your speech sounds. Click on the link to view. You can print or download or just look at the activity for the date listed.

Articulation Distance Learning.pdf

Below is a video from Peachie that illustrates how to produce the k or c sound. If you click on the link there are a number of videos that illustrate how to produce many different sounds. Click on the video that is applicable to your child and the sound they are working on.

Continue to practice your sounds using the pictures listed above for additional practice.

Week of April 27th to May 1st

Below is a video to view from the story "The Old Lady that Swallowed a Frog." Please view the video and practice the sounds that your child is working on. I have also included a fun follow up activity for planting!

Week of May 4th thru the 8th

Here is a practice sheet to use for home practice. It has 3 pages so please read all 3 pages!


Here are some following ideas to reinforce speech sounds at home in the child's environment:

  1. In the Car................This is similar to the alphabet game where you take turns thinking of an animal or food that starts with each letter of the alphabet. When you are targeting your speech sounds, you can play this game in a similar manner except think of things that begin with your speech sound! You take turns going back and forth until someone is not able to think of anymore. The person left wins the game.

  2. Sidewalk chalk............You could use sidewalk chalk to make your own hopscotch game with your speech sounds or make a life size game board with your speech sounds, or draw and color speech words in the driveway.

  3. Picture Scavenger Hunt............Go through the house or yard and take pictures of as many things as you can that have your targeted sound. Whoever takes the most pics wins, but you have to say the words correctly in order to win.

  4. In the Sand.............In the backyard sand box or at the beach, bury objects or laminated pictures for them to find. When they find the item or picture they have to say the word correctly before putting them in the sand pail.

  5. Flashlight hide and seek...........Tape your practice words around the house and then turn off the lights. Give your child a flashlight and then go and find the words. Have them say each word as they find them.

  6. Taking turns games.............Any type of game or toy where you have to take turns can be used to practice your sounds. Say one of your words and then take a turn putting together a puzzle, legos, board game, tossing a ball, etc.

Week of May 11th thru the 15th

This week's story is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Listen to the story and the follow up activity. Practice the word lists below the story.

Word lists for the story. Practice saying the words with your sound in sentences as well. (i.e. The Caterpillar had four Strawberries, The Caterpillar laid on a leaf, etc.).

C,K L S S blends F

  1. Caterpillar 1. Leaf 1. Sunday 1. Still 1. Four

  2. Cake 2. Little 2. Sun 2. Strawberries 2. Five

  3. Cupcake 3. Look 3. Saturday 3. Stomachache 3. Friday

  4. Cacoon 4. Lollipop 4. Sick 4. Food

TH L blends CH

  1. Thursday 1, Plum 1, Cheese

  2. Three 2, Butterfly 2. Cherry Pie

Week of May 18th thru May 22nd

Below is the video "The Old Lady who Swallowed a Shell". Listen to the story and practice the sounds in the story.


Cut apart the pictures to make a book of the items the old lady swallowed. Use your good sentences to tell what she swallowed. Draw the item in her hand. There are 2 pages to this document.

Week of May 26th thru the 29th

Below are a few words to practice over the summer. Use your words in a sentence while playing a fun game or one of the other activities I've listed above on this site.
