Norwalk Public Schools 

School Readiness Preschool 

 School Readiness Sites

ELLI at Fox Run Elementary 8:00am - 2:00pm

ELLI at Kendall Elementary 9:00am - 3:00pm

ELLI at Naramake Elementary 8:30am - 2:30pm

Cranbury Elementary 8:30am - 2:30pm

Norwalk Early Childhood Center 8:45am - 3:15pm

Wolfpit Elementary 8:30am - 2:30pm

Programs follow NPS calendar 

School Readiness 

School Readiness is a state-funded initiative administered by the Office of Early Childhood  

Family fees are based on income and family size using the OEC Fee Schedule. Families may also apply for the Care4Kids Program.  

At least 60 percent of the children enrolled must be at or below 75 percent of the State Median Income. 

Children are required to attend daily - 5 days a week, 6 hours per day.  

Serves children aged 3 and 4 

Open to Norwalk families only

Norwalk School Readiness programs are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

Using Connecticut Early Learning and Development Standards (CTELDS), preschool children receive high-quality learning experiences that foster and optimize growth and development

Norwalk School Readiness programs promote parental involvement in their child’s development and education


Your child continues to develop in many ways—physically, socially, emotionally, in language and literacy, and in thinking (cognitive) skills. Teachers support her in all of these areas.

Physical development is the way your child moves her arms and legs (large motor skills) and her fingers and hands (small motor skills). Teachers help children learn these skills by offering different physical activities and equipment. Children run, jump, climb, throw, and catch. Using their hands, they explore materials like paints, playdough, puzzles, sand, and things to write with. By using their bodies actively both indoors and outdoors, children build healthy bones and muscles.

Social development helps your child get along with others. Teachers work with children on respecting others and working together. By playing and learning together, children build their social skills, language skills, and self-control. With support from teachers, children learn to resolve conflicts that may come up during play.

Emotional development lets your child understand his feelings and the feelings of others. Teachers help children recognize and manage their own feelings and behavior. They also teach children to show concern for others. To build your child's self-esteem, teachers encourage him to try new things and keep working at hard tasks.

Language and literacy development helps your child understand and communicate through listening, talking, reading, and writing. These skills are all connected. Teachers help your child use her growing communication skills to learn new concepts.

Thinking, or cognitive, skills develop as children learn to think more complexly, make decisions, and solve problems. As young children explore, ask questions, and create, they improve their thinking skills. Reflecting on and using information lets your child understand the world around him. The way children approach learning is also an important part of their thinking skills. For example, being able to focus or handle frustration helps him learn more easily.

Teachers help preschoolers develop their thinking skills by

Early Learning Standards

Every state has early learning standards that describe what children need to know and be able to do at a certain age. Teachers use these standards to balance what children need to learn with their knowledge of how children learn best.

Subject Areas

In high-quality preschools, teachers focus on all areas of learning. They pay attention to what children are interested in, and they plan themes or projects that help children expand their knowledge and skills in different areas. Children get a deeper understanding of a subject when they can make connections across several content areas. For example, as your child works with a friend to make a birdfeeder, they use both math and science to measure and combine materials and make the feeder stable, language to describe their ideas and decide how to solve the problem, and reading (with an adult's help) to find out what kind of seed different birds like. This kind of deeper, interconnected learning helps prepare children for kindergarten.

Speaking and listening (language). Your preschooler's language skills develop when she has lots of opportunities to listen to and speak with others. Teachers talk with children throughout the day—while they play, at group times, and one-to-one. They encourage children to share information, ideas, and feelings with each other.

Teachers support children's language skills by

Early reading. Most preschoolers learn to understand what reading is for and what rhyming sounds are. They listen to and talk about stories. Many preschoolers can read their own names and some simple words.

Teachers help preschoolers develop early reading skills by

Early writing. Children's writing begins as scribbles and becomes shapes that look like letters. Over time, their shapes look more like actual letters, and they write words using their own spelling.

Teachers support children's writing development by

Math. Children explore math concepts they will use later in school. For example, your child sorts materials in the makerspace area into things he can build with and things he can decorate with (classifying). He explores shapes and textures while making art (comparing, understanding attributes). He claps out the beats to a song (counting).

Teachers encourage math learning by

Science. Most preschoolers ask a lot of questions about the world. Teachers encourage children to be curious, make discoveries, and think scientifically. Children observe, ask questions, and predict what might happen. Then they experiment and explain what they've found out.

Teachers support science learning by

Social studies. As children learn to get along, make friends, and help with decisions, they are learning social studies. In preschool, your child also learns about himself and how he fits into his family, his class, and his community. Social studies also includes learning about the languages and cultures of other children in the class. Your child's teacher might ask if you want to share recipes, music, and traditions that your family enjoys.

Creative arts. Children express their feelings and ideas in unique ways. It could be through painting, dancing, and pretending. But creativity supports every area of learning and can be expressed in many ways, from writing stories to figuring out how to keep the snow in the water table from melting so fast. Teachers design an environment that supports your preschooler's creative abilities, and they provide a variety of open-ended materials (playdough, seashells, chalk) to challenge your child's ability to create.

Technology. Teachers use technology with preschoolers in many ways. Your preschooler might create art on a tablet, look at an ebook with another child, or watch videos of places the class is learning about. Using technology together encourages children to talk, cooperate, and help each other.

Preschool teachers think carefully about what technology can help children learn, and how. If your child is learning both English and his home language, his teacher might help him find music and stories in his language. A child who has special needs might use devices that help her play and learn. Teachers might use a smartphone, digital camera, or other device to record what your child is doing and learning and share it with you.


Norwalk Early Childhood Council 

The Mayor  and the Superintendent of schools jointly appoint and convene  the Norwalk Early Childhood Council   with the responsibility of making recommendations on issues related to the School Readiness Grant and Early Childhood issues throughout the city the of Norwalk.  All preschool programs who receive School Readiness funded are monitored by the Norwalk Early Childhood Council. 

School Readiness Preschools 

Stepping Stones Museum for Children ELLI Program

Preliminary Application 

Please fill out the preliminary application to be added to the enrollment  wait list 

Preliminary application will be open February 1- May 1, 2023

If application is completed after May 1, 2023 children will be added to a wait list 

Children are not automatically enrolled, you will be contacted if your child receives a spot 

Families will be notified during the months of May and June if their child receives a spot 

Family fees are based on income and family size using the OEC Fee Schedule. Families may also apply for the Care4Kids Program.  

At least 60 percent of the children enrolled must be at or below 75 percent of the State Median Income. 

Children are required to attend daily - 5 days a week, 6 hours per day.  

For more information contact 

Habla Español

Johanna Valencia 

School Readiness Office Assistant 
