GYM 2024
Gym exercise: stretches.m4v
PBL WorkoutsÂ
PBL WorkoutsÂ
For this PBL project, fourth-grade students investigated their fitness levels using specific fitness tests. As a culminating activity, students recorded videos demonstrating their workout routines. This allowed them to use technology and visually demonstrate what they know. This project not only promoted physical activity and personal responsibility for fitness levels, but also instilled decision-making and presentation skills for students.
King 1.mp4
King 2.mp4
King 3.mp4
King 4.mp4
Kennedy 1.mp4
Kennedy 2.mp4
Kennedy 3.mp4
Kennedy 4.mp4
Wright 1.mp4
My Project.mp4
2024-01-26 at 10_25_ Webcam (2).webm
2024-01-26 at 10_17_ Webcam.webm
Sattler 1.mp4
Sattler 2.mp4
Sattler 3.mp4