Day 50

Letter Writing Continued

Write a Letter to a Specials Teacher

Write a letter to one of your specials teachers thanking them for teaching you this school year. Use your ideas that you wrote down yesterday.

Watch the youtube videos to help you remember all 5 parts of a letter.

Include ALL 5 Parts of a letter!

Don't forget to check over your writing to make sure it makes sense, has correct capitalization and punctuation.

You can email your letter to the teacher you chose, or mail it to school.

Rowayton Elementary School

Teacher's Name

1 Roton Avenue

Norwalk, CT 06468

Day 48

Writing a Letter

You can email or snail mail your letter to your teacher. See addresses below! We can't wait to see.

Mrs. Pippa Mrs. LaRusso Mrs. Malkin Ms. Hellrigel

242 Turkey Roost Rd 10 Birchside Drive. 8 Carlin St. 9 East Maiden Lane

Monroe CT 06468 Norwalk, CT 06850. Norwalk, CT 06853 Monroe, CT 06468