Data Privacy Initiative

The goal of Norton’s Data Privacy Initiative is to provide a safe and secure online experience for students and staff while empowering them to access the best tools and resources to help achieve academic success. There are several federal and state laws that govern data privacy and these laws have implications for how Norton uses online resources. Additionally, in an era where issues of data privacy go far beyond the classroom walls, it is imperative for staff to model good data security habits for our students. Ensuring students' data is protected is not a one-time event but part of our ongoing efforts of implementing best practices throughout the district.

Norton Public Schools has been working with the Massachusetts Student Privacy Alliance (MSPA) to develop a standardized data privacy agreement for all vendors that store any student information with personally identifiable information (PII)

The Data Privacy Agreement requires all vendors to:

  • Ensure industry best practices are being followed with respect to data privacy and data security.

  • Provide the school district the right to audit the vendor for compliance.

  • Not resell or use student information for any other purpose than the service it was intended.

  • Provide the school district notification of a data breach, if one should occur, within a specific time frame.

  • Ensure the school district retains ownership of all student data regardless of where the data resides.

  • Follow the laws protecting students rights for data privacy - CIPA, COPPA, FERPA and PPRA.

  • Norton Public Schools is working closely with The Education Cooperative (TEC) to facilitate the execution of these data privacy agreements with all vendors. Utilizing TEC's partnership with other school districts puts us in a stronger position when negotiating contract terms and sends vendors a strong message that data privacy is an important issue we need to work on together to solve.

Visit our online digital resources database which lists vetted resources for educational and privacy protections.