Key Findings


  • In the 2017-2018 The Northwest School did not produce any greenhouse gas emissions from electricity usage because Seattle City Light--our electric utility--is carbon neutral.

  • In the 2018-2019 school year, from natural gas, 69 metric tons of CO2e was produced by the Main Building, 30 metric tons of CO2e by the 401 building, 20 by the dorm, and 6 by House West.

Total: 125 metric tons CO2e


  • In the 2016-2017 school year 65 metric tons of CO2e were produced by Northwest School bus trips.

  • In the 2018-2019 school year, 219 metric tons of CO2e was produced by student transportation to/from school and 74 metric tons of CO2e was produced by faculty commuting.

  • Air travel by the Northwest School accounts for 802 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions: 662 from international student travel, 107 from school trips on airplanes, and 33 from administrative flights.

Total: 1,160 metric tons CO2e

Grand total emissions produced: 1,285 metric tons CO2e

Total NWS ghg emissions

The total amount of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the NWS on average annually.

nws ghg emissions*

*The total amount of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions produced by NWS excluding air travel.