Breakout Sessions II
2:00pm - 1:00pm

Keeping the Body in the Classroom and Other Lessons from Cyborgs: The Intersections of Race and Disability
Dr. Laurie Carlson

This session will explore the intersections between disability and race and can help educators work towards equity in the classroom. Both disability and race are social constructs and structural forces that impact material bodies and lives of students. These social constructs and structural forces shape access to resources and opportunities.

Strategies to Incorporate Universal Design for Learning in your Department
Sara Hilinski, Amanda Dooling, and Lucy Bayard

Join an interactive discussion and brainstorm session with the Tutoring Center and Office of Student Engagement on how to incorporate Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in your services and programming. Come explore how UDL is not just for the classroom and discuss strategies to effectively implement UDL to provide equitable supports and services to students. All stages of implementing UDL will be discussed with all levels welcome to attend. This session is geared towards Departments in Student Affairs and will include interactive discussion and Q&A.

What Do We Know about Belonging, Learning, and Thriving?
Dr. Shanette Porter and Michele Cubelli Harris (NSCC support)

What matters for belonging, learning, and thriving? Research suggests that no two people learn in exactly the same way, yet across these individual differences: (1) belonging and learning are inextricably linked, (2) strong and supportive relationships with faculty and staff that foster belonging enable learning, engagement, and persistence, and (3) belonging- and equity-centered environments create the best conditions for students to learn and thrive. I will briefly present and then facilitate discussion about these lessons from research, with a focus on practical strategies for fostering belonging, learning, and thriving inside and outside of the classroom.

Equity Minded Practices in a Syllabus
Dr. Jennifer Harris

Often the first contact students have with professors is through the syllabus. In this presentation we will discuss how to create a syllabus that is welcoming, validating, and takes the mystery out of our teaching and learning process and keeps equity and partnership at the forefront. Bring with you a copy of one of your syllabi.

Title 3 and Me: Contextualization through Collaborative Design
Dr. Sonja Gamby

This session will provide a brief overview of opportunities to get involved in initiatives related to the Title III grant. After this introduction the conversation will focus on opportunities for faculty and staff to collaboratively work on identifying and implementing high impact practices and contextualized modules to increase student engagement and improve student outcomes. The rationale behind contextualization and high impact practices is to improve student outcomes for all students, not just those who are positioned to succeed when they arrive at North Shore.

NSCC Tableau Dashboards: A Tool for Examining Equity Gaps in Student Academic Performance
Gary Miller and Kim Stevens

This session will provide faculty and staff with an introduction to a NSCC Tableau Dashboard for examining equity gaps in student academic performance at the division, subject, or course level. The session will include training on how to access and use the tool, and demonstrations will highlight how to explore equity gaps in NSCC student grades by student characteristics (e.g., student race/ethnicity, gender, etc.). Participants will have the opportunity to use the tool to explore their own department/program data and to provide feedback on pilot tools to support NSCC faculty in finding meaningful insights in their equity gap data.