Breakout Sessions I
10:45am - 11:45am

Universal Design for Learning Across Campus
Thomas J. Tobin

"What most of us are after are starting points. Rather than starting with CAST’s neuroscience-based three brain networks and multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression, a more manageable starting point is “plus one” thinking (Tobin, 2019b). For now, think of the interactions that your student-support operation offers to people, and think of how they might interact in just one more way than happens now.

This interactive webinar will take the format of a guided-practice collaboration, with the first 10 minutes reserved for open idea gathering and experience documentation, the next 40 minutes formatted as information sharing among the facilitator and participants, and the final 25 minutes will be for planning and take-aways.

This webinar will provide multiple ways to keep participants engaged (solo, collaborative, and interactive), multiple ways to present information (slide visuals, video sharing, text-chat, spoken audio), and multiple ways to join the conversation and show skills (video, text chat, self-guided reflection). We will use active-learning techniques and provide use-them-now resources for participants. Especially by relating UDL to broader access benefits for all learners, this session’s activities serve as a model for participants to re-frame accessibility and inclusion conversations."

This description is an excerpt from the full breakout session description.

Exploring Information Literacy through a DEI Lens
Bethany Croteau, Sarah Tremblay, Christine Goodchild, Torrey Dukes

Learn about the NSCC Library’s programmatic approach to Information Literacy (IL) and how to integrate IL student learning outcomes into your course. Using the Framework for Information Literacy adopted in 2015 by The Association of College and Research Libraries, this presentation will explore IL through a diversity, equity, and inclusion lens. We will focus on how IL and library instruction can support DEI centered student learning outcomes, how these concepts integrate with your existing student learning outcomes (SLOs) and class goals, and how librarians and faculty can collaborate to support student learning and success.

Using Assistive Technologies as a Principle of UDL
Rita Lograsso, Kathryn (Katie) Chiarenza

Learn from the Accessibility Services Office how to use a Screen Reader and Speech-to-Text tool to minimize barriers to accessing written text and typing papers. These assistive technologies allow all individuals to hear written text, and speak instead of typing, which follows the principles of Universal Design of Learning by lessening barriers to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful opportunities.

Teaching Practices that Promote Equity and Create an Inclusive Classroom
Valerie Carnevale, Eleanor Casey, Nadira McDonald, and Gateway to College students (TBD)

Gateway to College is a high-impact alternative pathway to a high school diploma for youth with academic potential who have left high school, or are significantly behind in credits and unlikely to finish high school on time. In their first semester, students take classes in a learning community as the foundation for their matriculation into college-level coursework. Our students arrive with an average 1.89 GPA and within their first semester achieve an average 2.58 GPA. This presentation will highlight instructional practices to unlock the potential of students who may be under-prepared due to personal/environmental barriers and/or systemic inequities.

Student Financial Services Supporting Students
Jason Marsala and Susan Sullivan

This session will provide an overview of how Student Financial Services supports students at NSCC to help ensure that finances are not an obstacle for students. In addition, the session will explore the misconceptions about financial aid and student finances.

Foster Youth in Higher Education
Dr. Sherri Raftery

This session will provide an opportunity for Sherri to share her doctoral dissertation, "Foster Youth Mentorship Programs in Higher Education", and discuss her findings and all the challenges that foster youth face trying to access and graduate from colleges or universities. Only 3% of foster youth attend higher education institutions and only 1% graduate. She will also share her personal educational journey while growing up in the foster care system.