





The MS/HS Counseling Department

The Counseling Department hopes you and your family are doing well! We understand these are challenging times for many. The Counseling Department is here to help you and your families. Please reach out if you need support .

-The MS/HS Counseling Department

“In times of adversity and change, we really discover who we are and what we’re made of.”

-Howard Schultz

About Us

The Counseling Department strives to give every student the opportunity to be the best they can be academically, emotionally, and socially. This is achieved by:

  • Focusing on the whole child

  • Nurturing a relationship throughout Middle School and High School

  • Using resources available to us, including, but not limited to, computer programs, individualized counseling, group counseling, classroom presentations, educational opportunities for community members, and guest speakers

We are committed to students’ growth at all levels across all facets of their development.

Who is part of the MS/HS Counseling Department?

The Counseling Department is composed of four School Counselors and two School Psychologists.

What is the Counseling Department's role in the MS/HS?

School Counselors are integral members of the school community. They work closely will all students, parents, teachers and administrators to ensure students' lifelong success. School Counselors use a multi‐faceted approach that helps foster the intellectual, social, emotional, and career development of all students. Counselors support the school’s mission by engaging student in activities that promote the use of creative and critical thinking skills to make decisions and solve problems to reach their full potential. High School Counselors help guide our students through the challenging and intricate college and career planning process.

School Counselors are members of a variety of committees including the Child Study Team (CST), the Committee on Special Education (CSE), Section 504 Committee, the Crisis Team , the Mental Health Awareness Team (MHAT), and other district and building specific committees.

School Psychologists use their expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to provide a wide-range of direct and indirect services to the school community. They partner with school counselors to create comprehensive mental health programming that addresses the educational and social emotional needs of our students. School Psychologists assess individual needs/problems, consult with teachers, administrators and parents, as well as provide individual, group and crisis intervention counseling to our students. They facilitate the Middle School and High School Child Study Teams (CST), and serve as members of the Committee on Special Education (CSE), Section 504 Committee, the Crisis Team, the Threat Assessment Team, the Mental Health Awareness Team (MHAT), and other district-wide committees.

It is our goal to work collaboratively with our colleagues and families to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community.

Contact Information

North Salem High School

Grade 9

Nancy Diaz (School Psychologist) 914-669-5414 ex. 2040

Melissa Smith (School Counselor) 914-669-5414 ex. 2023

Grades 10-12

Katia Castelli (School Psychologist) 914-669-5414 ex.2020

John Davis (School Counselor) 914-669-5414 ex. 2032

Beth Loughran* 914-669-5414 ex.2024

(School Counselor)

*Department Chairperson

North Salem Middle School

Grades 6-7

Nancy Diaz (School Psychologist) 914-669-5414 ex. 2040

Jennifer Galligan (School Counselor) 914-669-5414 ex. 2036

Grade 8

Nancy Diaz (School Psychologist) 914-669-5414 ex. 2040

Melissa Smith (School Counselor) 914-669-5414 ex. 2023

Dept. Administrative Assistants

Jane Lash 914-669-5414 ex.2021

Sharon Verdejo 914-669-5414 ex.2064

Crisis & Community Resources

This is a comprehensive list of community and county resources that are available to families and students.

Resources to Contact

Webinars & Helpful Websites for Parents and Students

Parents' Ultimate Guide to Discord. Is Discord safe? How does it work? And what does it have to do with Fortnite? Click here for more info!

The Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS) created Let’s Talk Summer Wellness to help families and youth connect to wellness during the summer months. Click here!

The NY Presbyterian Youth Anxiety Center is offering a free webinar series for teens, young adults, and their parents.

The NYU Langone Child Study Center are offering free webinar series for parents.

Supporting your family and yourself during back to school time is essential during this pandemic (webinar).

Back to School Resources for Parents (Child Mind Institute)

Social Emotional Learning for Children with ADHD in Quarantine (webinar)

Distance Learning: 8 Tips to Help Your Child Learn at Home (

Take Action to Improve Mental Health Support (

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) & ADHD: Guidance for these Uncertain Times (CHADD)

Mindfulness Lab

Helpful Information & Resources on Mental Health





Eating Habits & Disturbances


Learning Disabilities


Media Use

Sleep Habits

Substance Use/Abuse
