About Us


Northridge Lutheran Church formed as a congregation in 1978 as a mission of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Kalispell. It was originally a member of the American Lutheran Church. In 1980, the congregation moved into a new building which was designed to look more like a Community Center than a church. The building expresses the congregation’s mission to the community, and we have always offered the use of our building to community groups and have emphasized serving the community as core to our mission. In 1988, NLC became a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Montana Synod. NLC has become a congregation made up of people from diverse backgrounds, we find unity in our diversity, and we welcome all.


The style of worship of NLC is liturgical – with great variety. Our base worship resource is the ELW – Evangelical Lutheran Worship book.

We celebrate Holy Communion every Sunday and all baptized Christians are welcome to partake of the sacrament.

In Advent and Lent, we worship on Wednesdays as well. These services can take on different forms depending on the season but we often use Holden Evening Prayer as a guide.

Church Happenings

"The Heskett Family Suite" at Good Samaritan

Fall 2022