Word Study


In our Word Matters program, students create weekly word lists from three sources- principle words, words to learn, and high frequency words.

Principle words are words that match the spelling rule that we review and practice in that given week.

Words to learn are words selected from a continuously updated list of words the student commonly misspells in his or her writing.

High frequency words are words all students are expected to know by fifth grade. Students keep a list of those high frequency words they misspelled during the beginning of year inventories, and select only words only from this list.

These lists are continually updated, as newly mastered words are removed, and new principles are introduced. Students keep a copy of their words in school and in their planners, which go home each evening.

In Class Activities

Monday- Scramble- Use letter tiles or virtual letter tiles to scramble and unscramble each word

Tuesday- Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

Wednesday- Buddy Check

Thursday- Make Connections

Friday- Buddy Test

The Homework Routine

Each night of the week, each student gets to choose from several activities. Click on the links below to see the available activities.

Additional Resources

  • Monday Scramble Activity (We use this activity in class on Monday, but it can be used for extra practice at home.)