
For more detail, go to Mrs. Barnes website:

Resources/Frequently Used Websites & Apps:

Information for ALL classes:

Google Classroom: All classes will set up and use Google Classroom this school year. Digital assignments will be posted there along with homework assignments. Absent students can access missed digital work on Google Classroom.


1. Homework (25%): Most assignments will be worth 15 points, unless otherwise noted. Mrs. Barnes checks homework the day it is due. Students must have the assignment the day it is due or a student will be assigned a Catch Up Cafe.

2. Classwork (25%): Students will earn points for work done on in class activities. This includes Bell Work as well as participating in classroom activities and discussions.

3. Assessments (50%): Tests and quizzes will be announced. Tests will come at the end of a unit and quizzes will be smaller assessments before a larger unit test. All tests are weighted to be worth 100 points and all quizzes are weighted to be worth 25 points. Projects that showcase student learning are also included in this part of the student grade.